Which requirement is incorrect about nucleic acid collection of isolated personnel?

The incorrect requirement for nucleic acid collection of separated/separated persons/persons is that the upper respiratory tract samples should be collected in priority for severe patients due to their serious illness.

Large-scale population screening generally adopts oropharynx/swab/swab. Samples include lower respiratory tract samples, such as sputum, and upper respiratory tract samples, such as nasopharynx/swab/swab. Among these swab samples, the content of phlegm disease/toxin is the highest, and the positive detection rate is the highest, followed by nasopharyngeal swab/swab, and then oropharyngeal swab/swab.

As a new/coronavirus infected person, dry cough is the main symptom in the early stage, and sputum is not saliva, so it is difficult to obtain. The collection of nasopharynx/swab requires higher operation level of sampler/sampler, and the sampling process is slow. Although the positive rate is higher than that of throat swab, it is generally not used for screening of most people, but can be used for sampling/sampling of isolated people.

The sampling of oropharynx/swab/swab is relatively simple and fast, so we usually use oropharynx/swab/swab in large-scale population screening, although its detection rate is not as good as that of nasopharyngeal/swab/swab. As an anal swab/swab, we do not recommend it. Considering the discomfort of drug users and the low positive rate of anal swab, anal swab/swab sampling is not recommended.

Nuclear/acid testing/sampling/swab/cotton swab is a medical/therapeutic instrument, not a cotton swab, which is non-toxic and harmless.

Sampling cotton swabs look like cotton swabs, but they are not cotton swabs. Its material is polyester or nylon fiber, which is similar to the toothbrush in our daily life. The bristles of toothbrush are also nylon, but in the process of making sampling cotton swab, the handle end of cotton swab is vertically and evenly covered with millions of tiny fibers.

When we take a sample, it is like brushing our teeth with a toothbrush, but it will brush to the back wall of the pharynx in our mouth to extract cells, and then put the sample/swab into the sampling tube. Because it uses nylon and polyester, it is easy to take them off and put them into the preservation solution, and then carry out relevant tests in the laboratory.

Sampling swab/swab belongs to medical devices, and its production environment and requirements are very strict. Quality supervision also has relevant standards. The most basic standard of one of our products is non-toxic and harmless, and no harmful substances will be produced during the production of sampling swabs.