Why NTC temperature sensors are promising in the medical field?

Sensors also play a very important role in the medical field. Medical sensors integrated nanotechnology, biotechnology, power supply technology and new communication technology and other advanced technologies, with high sensitivity, miniaturization, convenience, low cost and interconnectivity and other obvious advantages. There are many kinds of medical sensors, and different kinds of medical sensors can play different roles in the medical field. According to the working principle, medical sensors can be divided into chemical sensors, biological sensors and physical sensors. ntc temperature sensors belong to the category of physical sensors, this year to fight against the new crown pneumonia ntc temperature sensors play a very important role in medical equipment.? At present, the MF51E high-precision NTC thermistor temperature sensor for electronic thermometer produced by Shiheng Electronics has significant advantages such as high precision, high stability, high interchangeability and low price, in the temperature range of 32~42℃, the error of temperature measurement precision can reach ±0.025℃, in addition, Shiheng Electronics develops and produces the ? In addition, the wide temperature zone high-precision NTC temperature sensor products can be in the temperature range of 0 ~ 70 ℃, temperature measurement accuracy of ± 0.05 ℃ level.