Svalbard this country is one of the few remaining in the world, visa-free countries for Chinese tourists . But he stipulates that Chinese people in, their country does not have the power of life and death, which makes many tourists feel speechless very strange.
? In fact, this country's provisions we can go to understand, because they when the climate and temperature there is very low. So the medical equipment and any machine's can't keep up, we are there will only add to their burden. And, if you give birth there, the medical equipment can't keep up, and the child's life is likely to be in danger, so they have this rule also for the sake of everyone's consideration. There is also the fact that if people die there, they can't be bought, because their environment is too harsh, people can't be buried, so they strictly prohibit Chinese people from giving birth there, or burying and burying.
? Although their regulations make everyone feel speechless, but they are still worth tourists to play in this country, in the Arctic location , the cold weather is prone to the phenomenon of the aurora borealis, where the appearance of polar bears is a lot of frequency is also very high, we see a lot of opportunities to see the polar bears, but also in the low temperature of the place to give a person a kind of quiet feeling, if you feel bored, you can go there to experience it. You can go there to experience it.
Today this country has a visa-free policy for Chinese tourists, which makes it particularly convenient to visit. Not all countries have a visa-free policy for Chinese tourists, and not all of them have a very humane policy. Of course there will be we can not understand, but I think every country has their own ideas.