What are the problems of the current allocation of health resources in China

The main problems are as follows:

I. Insufficient government health expenditure

The total cost of health consists of three parts: government, social and personal health expenditure. The low proportion of government and social health expenditures in the health financing structure is the main reason for the current lack of equity in health expenditures. According to statistics, from 1980 to 2002, the government, social and personal health expenditure increased by - 21 %, - 16. 1 % and 37. 1 % respectively, it is obvious that the proportion of government and social health expenditure in the total health cost is on a decreasing trend. At the same time, personal health expenditure has been increasing year by year, from 21.2 % to 58.3 %, bearing most of the burden of health cost growth. Compared with the international community, the proportion of health expenditure to GDP in China is lower than the world average. Insufficient government investment in health, accompanied by rising prices of medical and health services, "expensive" phenomenon has become a serious problem in the field of health services.

2. Unbalanced allocation of health resources

1. Unbalanced allocation of health resources between urban and rural areas: Most of China's health resources are concentrated in the cities, with a big gap between urban and rural areas, especially large hospitals with advanced talents and advanced equipment. In terms of per capita health costs, the difference between urban and rural per capita health costs is getting wider and wider. in 2007, urban per capita health costs were 1,480.1 yuan and rural per capita health costs were 348.5 yuan, a difference of 1,131.6 yuan, with the urban per capita health costs being 4.2 times higher than those of the rural areas.

2. Regional imbalance in the allocation of health resources: the eastern region has been increasing its investment in health year by year, while the central and western regions have been severely underinvested due to the limitations of local financial resources. In terms of the development of urban community health services, cities such as Tianjin and Shanghai are developing rapidly and have covered more than 50 percent of the total urban population, while provinces in the central and western regions have less than 20 percent, and the quality of services is not high and the service capacity is insufficient.

3. Imbalance between supply and demand in the allocation of health resources: With the development of the economy and society and the improvement of the people's quality of life, the population's demand for health care has increased considerably, and there is a certain gap between the total amount, structure and quality of the allocation of health resources and the demand of the population, or there is an imbalance between supply and demand. According to statistics, in 2002, I am trapped in the number of health personnel per 10,000 people for 9.6 people, while the world average for the same period for 34.6 people, I with the number of beds per 10,000 people for 0.6, while the world average for the same period for 4.0, which fully illustrates the seriousness of the imbalance between supply and demand.

Three, the utilization of health resources is not efficient

From the point of view of the distribution of health resources, there is overconsumption and underconsumption of the phenomenon of coexistence. On the one hand, in urban areas, over-allocation of health resources is very common. As a result of the over-allocation of resources, which in turn triggers the supply-induced demand and over-consumption behavior of consumers, thus resulting in a great loss and waste of resources. On the other hand, in China's vast rural areas, especially poor rural areas, the allocation of health resources is relatively poor, and the lack of medical care is still serious. The result is bound to be macro inefficiency.

The government should address the above problems in the allocation of health resources in China, optimize the allocation of health resources, and promote the scientific development of China's health.