A, exhaust:
For experiments that may produce less toxic gases, can be placed in the fume hood operation, exhaust can be diluted through the exhaust pipe discharged into the atmosphere at high altitude. For experiments that may produce more toxic gases, through the absorption bottle absorption conversion processing, dilution emissions. Such as nitrogen dioxide NO2, sulfur dioxide SO2, chlorine Cl2, hydrogen sulfide H2S and other acidic gases with alkaline absorption.
Two, solid waste:
Solid waste in the laboratory can not be placed randomly to avoid accidents. For can release toxic gases or spontaneous combustion of hazardous waste can not be thrown into the waste box and drain into the waste pipe. Waste chemicals that do not dissolve in water are prohibited from being disposed of in waste pipes, and all must be burned in an appropriate place or chemically treated to render them harmless. Broken glass and other sharp and angular waste materials cannot be thrown into the waste paper basket, but must be collected in special waste bins for disposal.
(1) Solid wastes that are not polluting or toxic to the environment can be disposed of as general garbage.
(2) For flammable solid organic waste, incineration.
Three, wastewater:
The wastewater generated in the laboratory mainly includes some excess samples, cleaning glassware wastewater, sample analysis residual liquid, failing storage liquid and so on. Because of the wide variety of wastewater produced in the laboratory, containing more acid, alkali, cyanide, hexavalent chromium, arsenide, phenol, benzene and other toxic and harmful substances, and its chemical composition is also extremely complex, if not categorized collection and treatment, will make these wastewater chemical reaction to produce new toxic substances.