Request AFC venue requirements for the AFC Champions League

1. The stadium must have a lighting system with an average of at least 1,200 lux lighting units.

2. In order to ensure that matches can be played in the event of a power failure, the stadium must have an independent emergency power supply system capable of providing timely and uninterrupted lighting of the same intensity.

9. Team Locker Rooms

1. The stadium must have at least two locker rooms.

2. Each locker room must have at least the following settings:

a. Four showers and four toilets separate from each other

b. Space for at least thirty (30) people to sit and thirty (30) chairs

c. A massage table

d. A tactical board with markers and "erasers. "

e. A refrigerator

3. The team locker room must be climate controlled.

4. The stadium must ensure that the team has direct, uninterrupted and protected access to the team locker rooms and the playing field, and that the team arrives and departs from the stadium in a safe and secure manner. Only the AFC Delegation will be allowed to share the team lane with the team.

10. Referee's Locker Room

1. The Stadium must have a locker room for the Referee with at least the following facilities:

a. a shower and a separate toilet seat

b. space for at least five people to sit

c. a table and five chairs

d. a refrigerator

2. >The referee's locker room must be temperature regulated.

11. Match Officials' (AFC Secretaries') Lounge

1. The Stadium must have a lounge for the AFC Delegation including the AFC Match Supervisor and the lounge must meet at least the following requirements:

a. Wireless broadband internet signal;

B. A telephone with international direct dialing (IDD) and a fax machine with the required consumables including, but not limited to, paper, ink cartridges and toner cartridges;

c. A desktop or laptop computer with at least one of the following configurations: 4G Pentium processor, Internet connection, printer connection, Windows 2000/XP Professional or Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2000 or above, Adobe Reader 7.0, and the language of operation of the software must be English;

d. /p>

D. Printer with required consumables, including but not limited to paper, ink cartridges and toner cartridges;

e. A medium sized photocopier with classified equipment and equipped with the required consumables including but not limited to paper, ink cartridges and toner cartridges.

2. The Match Officials' Lounge must be located in close proximity and easily accessible to the team and referee locker rooms.

3. The Match Officials' Lounge must be temperature-controlled.

4. The stadium must ensure that the Match Officials' Lounge is in a protected area away from the public and the media outside the stadium.

Chapter 3: Media Area

13. Media Center

1. A minimum of one room of one hundred square meters with a temperature-regulated area with tables and communication facilities will be provided for all media representatives.

2. The Media Center must be located on the same side of the room as the Media Forum, Press Conference Room, Mixing Area, etc.


3. The room must have the following:

a. tables and chairs for seventy people and an internet connection

b. a photocopier with all required consumables

c. a fax machine with all required consumables

14. The stadium must have a media tribune available to all media representatives and must meet the following requirements:

a. All area of the media tribune must be covered

a. All areas of the media tribune must be covered

b. 20 seats without desks

b. 20 seats without desks

b. 20 seats without desks

b. 20 seats without desks

c. Seats without desks

c. Fifty seats with desks. These seats must have power and Internet connections. The tables must be large enough to accommodate a laptop and a notebook.

2. The Media Forum must be centrally located in the grandstands and must be on the same side as the Media Center, Press Conference Room, Mixing Area, etc.


3. Access from the Media Forum to the Press Conference Room and Media Center must be dedicated.

15. Press Conference Room

1. The Stadium must have a temperature-regulated room for press conferences that meets the following requirements:

a. Tables and chairs for a minimum of five people***

b. A podium

c. A camera platform that is 0.5 meters high, 6 meters wide, and 2 meters deep. Camera platform

d. An isolation area

e. Sound system

f. Chairs arranged in a classroom format to accommodate at least 70 journalists.

2. The Press Conference Room must be located on the same side as the Media Center, Media Forum and the Mixed Zone.

3. Access from the Press Conference Room to the Media Forum and Media Center must be dedicated.

16. Mixing Area

1. An area of the stadium must be set aside as a mixing area. This area is set up on the way to the team locker rooms and the team boarding area.

2. The Mixed Zone must be secure and accessible only to team coaches, players and media representatives.

3. The Mixing Area must be divided into three zones: one for television media personnel, one for radio media coverage, and one for print media reporters.

17. Camera Positions

1. One main camera position must be located in the spectator stand. The camera must be centered and at a height above the lawn to ensure overall picture quality.

2. The main camera position must be exactly in line with the center line of the field and at a height that allows it to be positioned at an angle of 15 to 20 degrees from horizontal.

3. The host platform must have a minimum footprint of 12 square meters.

4. In addition to the main camera platform, there must be camera platforms on both sides of the two exclusion zones to monitor overruns.

5. The Goal Camera and the Opposite Angle Camera must be on the same subject and at the opposite angle.

18. TV Broadcasting Boxes

1. The stadium must have at least six TV broadcasting boxes with canopies.

2. The commentary booths must be located on the same side as the host position and must be at least three meters wide, three meters deep and two and a half meters high in an enclosed position and at least three meters wide and two meters deep in an unenclosed position.

3. The commentator must have a two-way power supply system for mains and standby power.

4. Each commentary booth must have a minimum of three seats.

19. TV Studio

1. The stadium must be equipped with a TV studio that meets the following criteria:

Number Requirements

Size Requirements

Additional Requirements

Three (3)

5 meter long x 5 meter wide

x 2.3 meter high

Commentary studios with panoramic views of the turf. Studio. Has enough space that can be used as a mixing area.

20. OB Van

1. The stadium must have a parking area for the OB Van that meets the following requirements:


Floor area

Located on the same side of the stadium as the stadium's main camera positions

Minimum of 600 square meters

2. The stadium should offer a primary supply and a backup for the OB Van, as requested by the main broadcaster. OB trucks with dual main supply and standby current.

3. All televised areas must be secured at all times.

Chapter 4: Medical Facilities

21. First Aid and Medical Facilities for Players and Officials

1. A First Aid and Medical Room shall be established in close proximity to the team's locker room between the playing fields and shall be equipped with adequate First Aid medication and equipment as well as a medical officer and trained First Aid and Medical staff. The required facilities should include the following:

a. Suitable oxygen masks or aviation oxygen masks

b. Splints (spinal trauma)

c. Stretchers

d. Suction machines

e. Intravenous drip sets for emergencies and medications

f. Equipment to perform minor surgical procedures

g. Automated external defibrillators


2. Two parking spaces in the stadium parking lot must be reserved for two ambulances, with dedicated drivers and oxygen masks, defibrillators, intravenous drips, emergency medication, and trained medical personnel in the ambulances, to be provided by the home club, according to its financial capabilities.

22. Anti-Doping Control Room

1. The stadium must have a doping control room with a temperature control device, located close to the team locker room and out of the reach of the public and the media.

2. The room must be at least twenty square meters in size and contain a waiting room, a laboratory and a toilet, all of which are connected to each other.

3. The waiting room can be part of the laboratory or very close to it (it is acceptable to separate the two areas in the same room). It must have seating for eight people, a television and a refrigerator with non-alcoholic beverages such as bottled mineral water and bottled fruit juices.

4. The laboratory must contain at least one table, four chairs, a sink with running water, a lockable cabinet and a toilet.

5. The toilet must be within or in close proximity to the laboratory, with a direct and separate access between the two. It must contain a bidet toilet and a sink with running water circulation.

Chapter 5: VIP Reception Area

23. VIP Reception Area

1. The Stadium must have a minimum of 50 VIP seats and a separate dedicated VIP reception area of 200 square meters.

2. The VIP seating must be located in the stands between the two penalty areas and as close as possible to the half way line of the stadium.

Chapter 6: Spectator Areas

24. Stands and Spectator Facilities

1. Spectator seats must be separate and fixed, independent of each other, of fixed and numbered shapes, made of wear-resistant and fire-resistant material and with backrests at least thirty centimeters above the level of the seat.

2. The temporary use of stands is prohibited.

25. Away Spectators

1. A segregated area of at least eight percent of the capacity of the Stadium shall be available for the exclusive use of away fans.
