Rehabilitation officially into the medical insurance time

For the elderly and other groups, the rehabilitation project is not a small amount of medical expenses. June 28, the reporter learned from the Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Medical Security, in order to further safeguard the basic needs of medical rehabilitation of the insured, including the elderly, including the majority of the insured patients, medical rehabilitation level of protection, July 1, the city will be the unarmed balancing examination and other 16 rehabilitation projects formally included in the medical insurance , to the benefit of the people's policy to benefit patients.

This marks the city's participants in the

unarmed functional examination, instrumental balance function assessment, loss of recognition and loss of use assessment, memory breadth examination, cardiac function rehabilitation assessment, pulmonary function rehabilitation assessment, human body disability determination, balance function training, hand function training, joint loosening training (spinal joints loosening training), aerobic training, physical training, guided education training, isotonic muscle strength training, and the training of the spine.

These are the first 16 rehabilitation programs in the world that are no longer fully self-funded, and the first 16 programs that are no longer fully self-funded. The policy will be formally implemented from July 1st.

Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Medical Security clear, the implementation of rehabilitation treatment of medical institutions in accordance with the implementation of rehabilitation medicine rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment of the relevant requirements to determine the object of rehabilitation, strict control of rehabilitation project assessment and treatment access; in line with the rehabilitation of hospitalization standards for insured patients, by the medical institutions of the relevant professionals to develop a rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation plan includes: rehabilitation projects, the number of projects to carry out, rehabilitation time, rehabilitation costs and rehabilitation effects, etc.; the implementation of rehabilitation treatment of medical institutions, to organize professionals to carry out the rehabilitation of the object of admission, rehabilitation process and discharge assessment, inspection, measurement and other projects. Professionals must meet the relevant requirements set by the health sector.

The fixed-point medical institutions to strictly implement the medical service norms, conscientiously fulfill the fixed-point service agreement, the strict implementation of the relevant requirements of the rehabilitation project, is strictly prohibited to induce does not meet the indications for admission to the hospital, hospitalization, hospitalization of hospitalized; health insurance agencies to strengthen the implementation of the rehabilitation treatment of the fixed-point medical institutions of the management, focusing on determining the object of rehabilitation, the development of the rehabilitation plan, the implementation of the rehabilitation project and other links of supervision and audit; medical insurance agencies to strengthen the implementation of rehabilitation treatment of the fixed-point medical institutions, with emphasis on determining the object of rehabilitation, development of rehabilitation plans, implementation of rehabilitation projects Supervision and audit; medical insurance fund regulatory agencies in accordance with the law to carry out supervision and inspection of the implementation of rehabilitation treatment of designated medical institutions and other administrative law enforcement, to ensure the safety of the fund, improve the efficiency of the use of the fund, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant subjects of medical insurance.

16 rehabilitation projects limited to the scope of payment

According to the Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Medical Security on the 16 rehabilitation projects included in the scope of payment of medical insurance notice, the reporter on the rehabilitation projects limited to the scope of payment to sort out.

Unarmed Balance Function Examination

, carried out by professionals, for patients with a clear balance dysfunction assessment issued after the assessment results, a hospitalization period of the medical insurance to pay no more than three times.

Instrumental Balance Function Evaluation

, conducted by professionals, for patients with clear balance dysfunction assessment results issued after the assessment, a hospitalization period of the medical insurance will not pay more than three times.


, conducted by professionals, for patients with clear higher brain dysfunction, not more than three times in one hospitalization period, paid by the medical insurance.

Memory Breadth Examination

, conducted by professionals, patients with clear memory disorders, no more than three times during a hospitalization paid by the medical insurance.

Cardiac function rehabilitation evaluation

, carried out by professionals, with a clear cardiac dysfunction, a hospitalization period, the medical insurance will pay no more than two times.

Pulmonary function rehabilitation

, carried out by professionals, with a clear pulmonary dysfunction, a hospitalization period of the medical insurance will not pay more than two times.

Body injury measurement

,carried out by professionals, with a clear injury disability patients, a disease process payment of no more than 1 time

Balance training

,with a clear balance dysfunction, a disease process payment of no more than 90 days. Pay no more than 90 days.

Hand Function Training

, for defined hand function disorders, payable for up to 90 days of a disease process.


, with a clear joint dysfunction, is paid for up to 180 days of a disease process; spinal arthroplasty, with a clear spinal dysfunction, is paid for up to 180 days of a disease process.

Aerobic training

, for those with defined cardiopulmonary dysfunction, is covered for up to 180 days for a single disease process, not to exceed 1 session per day.

Physical and physical training

, for patients with clear physical and mental dysfunction (physical, verbal, cognitive, psychological, social, emotional, etc.), no more than one session per day for a period of no more than 180 days of the course of the disease is payable.

Conductive education training

, patients with clear physical and mental dysfunction (physical, verbal, cognitive, psychological, social, emotional, etc.) are paid for up to 180 days of a disease process, up to two sessions per day for children under 16 years of age and up to one session per day for other persons.

Isokinetic muscle training

, including bedside manual and instrumental training, for patients with defined movement disorders, is payable for up to 180 days of a disease process, not to exceed one session per day.

Stuttering training

, limited to moderate to severe speech disorders due to organic pathology, payable for no more than one year of a disease process and no more than twice daily. After one year, if the patient has sustained functional improvement as assessed by the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Assessment, the payment can be continued.

Community Rehabilitation Assessment

, conducted by professionals, for people with clear physical dysfunction (muscle strength, muscle tone, joint range of motion, balance, abnormal body movement, gait analysis, etc.), daily living ability (daily living ability assessment, assessment of functional independence), psycho-psychological (psychological, intellectual, dementia screening, emotional state), dementia screening, emotional state), quality of life (quality of life assessment, social functioning assessment), environmental assessment (family, community environment assessment), and no more than two payments for one disease process.