Sudden accident during patient transfer script, transfer patient handover record sheet

When it comes to patient transfer on the way to sudden accident script, we all know that some people ask the transfer of patients to hand over the record sheet, in addition, there are people who want to ask the scene of first aid multiple injuries and patients when the principle of transfer, do you know what it is all about? In fact, the critical patient transfer system and resuscitation procedures, urgent use, thank you, the following take a look at the transfer of patients to hand over the record sheet, I hope to be able to help you!

Patient transfer on the way to an unexpected accident script

1, patient transfer on the way to an unexpected accident script: transfer of patients to hand over the record sheet

Content from the user: half elegant and half vulgar transfer of patients emergency exercise script.

Transit patient delivery record sheet

Date: Name: Time: Initial Diagnosis: Sex: □ Male □ Female Age: Consciousness: □ awake □ sleepy □ lethargy □ shallow □ deep □ delirium □ delirium □ confusion □ cloudy consciousness Vital Signs: T ℃; P times / min R times / min; BPmmHg; HR times / min Disease Score:; Blood Oxygen Saturation: %; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Minutes Pupil Size: left () mm right () mm; light reflex: □ sensitive (left / right) □ sluggish (left / right) □ disappeared (left / right) 1, electrocardiogram 2, CT 3, ultrasound 4, X-ray 5, MRI has been carried out to assist the examination of the 6, other: check the project Note: in the sequence of the number under the "○" for the report form has been issued "√" for the report has not been issued 1, routine blood 2, blood type + Rh3, electrolytes 4, renal function 5, blood glucose 6, cardiac enzymes 7, troponin 8, transfusion of four laboratory tests have been carried out 9, coagulation four 10, blood amylase 11, urinary amylase 12, urinary 13, biochemistry, 14, other Note: in the serial number under the hit "○" means report form has been issued "√" means report form has not been issued Intravenous access, medication, □ medication and drug sensitization details are shown in the emergency medical record book Intravenous access: surface strip abdominal strip other drug sensitivity test □ oxygen □ cardiac monitoring □ electric defibrillation (times) □ sputum □ gastroenterology Decompression□Cardiac compression□Gastric lavage□Blood transfusion□Physical cooling□Decontamination□Debridement□Cleansing and suturing□Foreign body removal and other measures□Puncture□Posterior fornix puncture□Glucose measurement□Other□Oxygen tube□Mask□Oropharyngeal ventilator□Other: Airway tracheal tube cm Blind intubation cm□Urinary catheter□Gastric tube□Pulmonary drain tube□Advancement of abdominal drainage tube other:□Suede□Blanket□Pillow□Pillowcase□Quilt□Over-sheets to be retrieved Items □ oxygen bag □ small oxygen bottle □ shovel stretcher □ flat car □ wheelchair

2, the patient on the way to the transfer of sudden accidents script: the scene of first aid patients with multiple injuries when the transfer of the principle of

transfer principle is:

(1) Priority transportation of serious injuries, but the rescue of the timely survival of the injured can be.

(2) the transportation should be uninterrupted implementation of life-sustaining care, such as artificial respiration, chest compressions, oxygen, fluids and so on. Transit sudden change of condition exercise plot.

(3) Transportation of the injured should pay attention to the right. Transit accidental emergency plan script.

(4) Wound cleaning to minimize the chance of infection.

(5) Pay attention to the fixation of fractures and the blood flow of the injured limb.

(6) Closely observe the changes in the condition, and timely treatment according to the changes in the condition. The purpose of the exercise is to transfer the patient's plan.

3, patient transfer on the way to the unexpected script: critical patient transfer system and resuscitation procedures, urgent, thank you

Critical patient transfer guidelines for the transfer of patients scenario exercise.

1, assessment

Check the patient patient transfer accident case.

Patient: vital signs, condition, drainage tubes, blood transfusion tubes, orthopedic patient immobilization, traction situation transfer accident emergency plan exercise script.

Tools: flat car wheels, brakes, guardrails and other performance, auxiliary tools such as sandbags, neck circumference / neck brace, hardboard and other preparations

Rescue equipment and the preparation: such as oxygen bags, breathing bags, portable ventilators, such as 38 kinds of nursing emergency plan exercise.

Moving personnel: knowledge of the patient, more than three people in the hospital transfer of patients exercise script.

Environment: reduce unsafe factors

Critical patient transfer guidelines for cardiac arrest resuscitation drill script.

2, the correct handling of patients

Cervical spine fracture / surgery patients: with a neck collar / neck brace, both sides of the sandbags placed in the fixation, a person to fix the head, the spine in the same straight line, under the body placed in the bed sheet or in the sheet or use over the bedpan, the person who stood in the head position is responsible for shouting commands, and at the same time, exertion.

Thoracic/lumbar spine injury patients: hard board, spine the same straight line, placed under the body of the sheet or a sheet or used bedpan, a person shouting commands, at the same time, force. 38 types of care. Prohibit holding, back. 38 kinds of nursing emergency plan exercise script.

Patients with limb fractures: first fixed and then transported on the way to transfer the emergency plan for cardiac arrest.

Critical patient transfer system and resuscitation procedures, urgent, thank you

Traction patients: the angle and weight of the traction gravity line various nursing emergency drill script.

Guidelines for the transfer of critically ill patients

3, the transfer process patients on the way to the emergency plan.

Check all kinds of drains and place the tubes before transportation

Check all kinds of drains fixed and smooth after transportation, and all kinds of drains fixed and smooth during transportation

Orthopedic patients should be fixed at the fracture site, and be supported by special persons or special tubes

Patients with tracheal intubation / tracheotomy trocars should not have their heads tilted back to prevent tracheal intubation / tracheotomy trocars from dislodging, and special attention should be paid to tracheal intubation / tracheotomy trocars from dislodging, and special attention should be paid to tracheotomy trocars. tracheotomy tube out, pay special attention to the position of tracheal intubation

Critical patient transfer guidelines for sudden cardiac arrest resuscitation exercise script.

3, the transfer process

Closely observe the condition: stand on the side of the patient's head

Prevention of accidents: on the good guardrail, if necessary, the use of restraining belts, craniocerebral injuries, the patient's head to the side, to control the speed of the car

Patient comfort

Critical Care Transfers Guidelines for Patient Identification Error Script.

3, the transfer process

Attention to the handling process of occupational protection

> handling the two feet back and forth apart patient transfer accident emergency drill.

> handling low position patients at the same time bending the knees and hips, lowering the center of gravity

> as close as possible to the patient emergency preparedness exercise script model.

Guidelines for the transfer of critically ill patients

4. Record

The patient's pre-transport assessment of the transfer accident emergency plan drill script.

The patient's condition during transportation

The patient's assessment of the situation after the transportation of sudden changes in condition exercise process.

The above is related to the transfer of patients to hand over the record sheet is related to the transfer of patients to hand over the record sheet to share. After reading the patient transfer in transit sudden unexpected script, I hope this will help you!