What is the phone number of Hunan Province Bosch Kang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co.

Hunan Province Bosch Kang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. contact information: the company's phone number 0745-2779562, 公司邮箱2933380759@qq.com, the company has 7 contact information in the love enterprise check ***, which has a phone number 2.

Company Profile:

Hunan Province Bosaikang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in 2011-06-28 in Hecheng District, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, the registered address is located in the Yuzuiyan Industrial Park, Hecheng District, Huaihua City, Hunan Province.

Hunan Province Bosch Kang Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. legal representative Lin Chengxiong, registered capital of 50 million (yuan), is currently in operation.

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