Visit customers do not know how to open the topic? 6 chat skills let you successfully break the ice!

Every time you visit a client, meet with strangers for the first time, or attend a social event, you always feel out of place with others, often standing alone, without saying a word; occasionally, someone will find you to chat, but also less than a few sentences on the end of the embarrassment.

For people who don't know how to start a conversation in a social setting, Chen Liqing, author of "Successful Etiquette", divides meetings in social settings into two situations: 1. "

First Impressions book, it is for the "find the topic" and "in-depth topic" provided three methods, so that you are not afraid of the scene is too dry, there is nothing to say, but also to talk about in-depth and enjoyable. The book points out that you don't have to be good at everything to be popular in a social situation, as long as you show curiosity about other people's opinions.

3 steps to finding a topic: Ask a question to start a conversation

1 Ask a question: Ask a question to start a conversation. Let's say you want to talk about sports with someone, you might ask, "Did you see the baseball game yesterday?"

2 Discussion behavior: Depending on the response of the other party, continue the discussion. If the other person says they did, you follow up with, "I can't believe they blew out the other team's pitcher in the bottom of the fourth inning."

3 Explore the event: in response to the discussion, do a more in-depth analysis. For example, "Do you know anything about the new pitcher? I heard he got hurt. "In social situations, sometimes it is inevitable to run into a topic that you know nothing about or are not very familiar with, in this case, the question is also a very good opener, so that you are no longer afraid of running out of things to talk about.

Deeper into the topic of 3 levels: talk about the surrounding environment, so that the other side to put down their defenses

and strangers to talk about the objective of the topic, the more polite order is usually to "location" as a start, then talk about the "fact", and then Then we move on to the "interesting topics".

1 Location: Where you are. When meeting someone for the first time, it's common to break the ice by talking about your surroundings, which helps them connect with you and relax. How you got here (transportation), weather conditions, or where you are are are all good examples of topics that are readily available.

2 Facts: Events that have happened. If you want to keep the conversation going after talking about the weather or the place, you can start with a "fact", because facts are usually safe to talk about, without the risk of offending others or starting a conflict.

3 Interesting topics: views and opinions. Presenting personal positions, perspectives and opinions to get someone's attention. The stakes are higher when entering into this level of conversation as the other person usually decides whether they should stay in touch with you or develop a friendship. Did you find this article helpful? Hurry up and share it so more people know about it!