International Parcel Prohibited Items Advisory (to Australia)

The following items are prohibited in all types of parcels:

a. Items which, by their nature or their encapsulation, are likely to injure personnel or deface other parcels or postal equipment.

b. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; except for the purposes of medical or scientific research if the relevant State authorizes the mailing under such conditions;

c. Documents of a nature of current private correspondence and any kind of correspondence between persons other than the sender, the addressee, or their cohabitants, except for the following items:

--Open-sealed and filled in only with a brief description relating to the goods shipped, one of the following documents: invoices, dispatch lists or dispatch notes, delivery notes;

--Audio-recordings, recorded or unrecorded, taped or unvideotaped tapes and filaments and chiseled cards, magnetic tapes or other similar items, wireless telephone contact cards (QSL), if the originating post considers them not to be in the nature of a present private communication and if they are sent between the sender of the parcel, the addressee or their cohabitants;

- items other than those mentioned above, if permitted by the domestic regulations of the post concerned letters and documents of any kind in the nature of current private communications, which are interchanged between the senders of parcels, the addressees or their cohabitants;

d. live animals; except where the domestic regulations of the post concerned authorize the posting thereof;

e. explosive, flammable or other hazardous articles;

f. radioactive articles, provided that the postal administrations may agree between them to receive such articles either interchangeably or unilaterally, and that they may not accept the posting of such articles. exchange or unilaterally accept parcels containing such articles. In such cases, the radioactive articles shall be encapsulated in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and shall be sent by the fastest postal route, normally by air, subject to the relevant air surcharge. Such articles shall be delivered only by a duly authorized sender;

g. Obscene or indecent articles;

h. Articles the importation or circulation of which is prohibited in the country of destination.

It doesn't seem to say you can't bring food. If you still have any questions, you can check this website. Or just go to the post office and ask. /law/flfg/txt/2006-08/08/content_7057248.htm