Feedback "Operation failed, please try again" What's going on? I posted a question about a medical issue and asked the orthopedic surgeon, and also asked the Chinese

Hello, in Baidu Know, questions or answers are subject to moderation before they go live. Your question or answer may have contained sensitive content and was not approved. Avoid violation of the method:

1 Do not send questions with the nature of the advertisement;

2 Do not send meaningless irrigation problems;

3 Try not to send URLs, links, because many Web site URLs will be mistaken for advertising, publicity role;

4 Do not send QQ, e-mail, pictures of the violation, phone numbers and other contact information with contact information, it is difficult to pass the system review of the question and answer.

4 Do not send QQ, e-mail, illegal pictures, phone numbers and other contact information, with contact information is difficult to pass the system audit;

5 Q&A or question contains too many Arabic numerals;

6 If the same user with the same answer to a large number of different questions, the user's answer will be deleted;

7 A large number of questions within a short period of time to adopt the same answer will be dealt with according to the cheating.

If you submit questions and answers that do not involve any violation of the "Report Violation of the Q&A" category of complaints, it is recommended to go through the following ways to complain:

1 Go to the "Baidu Knowledge Complaints Bar" to post a complaint;

2 Baidu Knowledge Complaints Bar:

2 Baidu Knowledge Complaints Bar:

2 to "know the opinion society bar" feedback:/f?kw=%D6%AA%B5%C0%D2%E2%BC%FB%C9%E7