Government procurement is the state government at all levels to engage in routine government activities or to meet the purpose of public **** services, the use of state financial funds and government borrowing to purchase goods, works and services. Government procurement refers not only to the specific procurement process, but also procurement policy, procurement procedures, procurement process and procurement management in general, is a system of public **** procurement management.
Perfect and reasonable government procurement plays a great role in the effective use of social resources and the improvement of the utilization of financial funds, and thus is an important part of financial expenditure management.
The specific government procurement system is a general term for a series of laws and practices that have been formed in the long-term practice of government procurement to manage government procurement behavior. Specifically, the government procurement system includes the following:
I. Government procurement policy, including the objectives and principles of procurement;
II. The methods and procedures of government procurement;
III. The organization and management of government procurement.
The main ways of government procurement:
Depending on the amount of procurement and the object of procurement, government procurement can be carried out in the following ways:
(1) Open tender procurement: that is, by means of open tender, all potential bidders are invited to participate in the bidding, and the procuring organization, according to certain criteria and conditions, selects the winning bidder from among The purchasing organization selects the successful bidder among all the bidders according to certain criteria and conditions, and signs a procurement contract with it. This is the main and most commonly used procurement method in government procurement.
(2) Two-stage bidding procurement: This method divides procurement activities into two stages: first, the procuring agency solicits proposals on procurement matters and negotiates with bidders to determine the technical specifications of the goods or works to be procured; second, the procuring agency conducts the normal public bidding procedures based on the technical specifications determined in the first stage.
(3) Selective tendering: the procuring agency selectively invites a limited number of bidders to conduct "competitive bidding," and determines the successful bidder from among the invited bidders with whom it will sign a procurement contract.
(4) price-seeking procurement: that is, through the market price-seeking approach, the offer of several suppliers to compare and analyze, in order to determine the need to purchase goods supply unit.
(5) single-source procurement: refers to the procurement agency under the appropriate conditions to a single supplier, contractor or service provider for procurement.