How many days does it take to qualify for the opening of a blind health care and medical massage organization in Changchun?

I. In Changchun City, you need to bring the following materials to apply for the "Qualification Recognition for Opening Blind Healthcare and Medical Massage Institutions":

1. Generally, you need to provide: "Disabled Person's Certificate" (paper: 1 original; 1 photocopy; the original will be returned after checking and the photocopy will be accepted.)

2. Generally required: Proof of fixed business premises (real estate license or house lease contract) (paper and electronic: 1 original; 1 copy; a copy of the real estate license or house lease contract will suffice).

3. General need to provide: blind health care massage organizations recognized application form (electronic version: 2 originals; copy 0; this application form is filled out by the agency.)

4. Generally required: proof of identity (paper: 1 original; 1 copy; second generation ID card.)

5. Generally required: photographs (paper and electronic: 2 originals; 0 photocopies; 2 two-inch photos with red background.)

6. Generally required: professional qualification certificate (paper: 1 original; 1 copy; return after verification of the original and receive a copy.)

II. Charges for this matter:

No charge

III. Processing time limit

3 working days