Radiation protection standards are generally divided into

Radiation protection standards consist of basic safety standards and its door general standards. , which can be divided into four types.

General Provisions

1.1 In order to prevent electromagnetic radiation pollution, protect the environment, protect public health, and promote the development of legitimate practices accompanied by electromagnetic radiation, the formulation of these provisions.

1.2 These regulations shall apply to all units or individuals, facilities or equipment in the territory of the People's Republic of China that generate electromagnetic radiation pollution. However, the protection limits of these provisions do not apply to medical or diagnostic exposures arranged for patients.

1.3 The applicable frequency range of the protection limits in these regulations is 100kHz to 300GHz.

1.4 The protection limits in these regulations are the upper limit of the acceptable level of protection, and include the total value of various possible electromagnetic radiation contamination.

1.5 All units or individuals generating electromagnetic radiation pollution, should be based on the principle of "can reasonably achieve as low as possible", and strive to reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation pollution.

1.6 All units or departments that generate electromagnetic radiation pollution, can develop their own management limits (standards), each unit or department's management limits (standards) should be more stringent than the limits of this provision.

Methods of management

3.1 The following electromagnetic radiators can be exempted from management

3.1.1 Mobile radio communication equipment with output power equal to and less than 15W, such as land and sea mobile communication equipment and walkie-talkies.

3.1.2 Radiating equivalent power to the unshielded space is less than the values listed in Table 3 (equivalent radiated power of exempted electromagnetic radiators).

Table 1 Occupational Exposure Export Limits

Frequency range, MHz Equivalent radiant power, W

0.1--3 300

>3--300,000 100

3.2 Where the power exceeds the exempted levels listed in 3.1 of the owner of all electromagnetic radiation must be declared to the environmental protection department of the region. Department of Environmental Protection in the region where they are located.