Apply for civil service professional division of the specific how to delineate?

Civil service professional division is specifically

(a) secretarial category: Chinese language and literature, secretarial, foreign Chinese language, Chinese language and culture, applied linguistics, journalism, philosophy, logic, ethics, Marxist theory, sociology, political science, history and so on.

(2) Law: law, jurisprudence, economic law, international law, international economic law, commercial law and so on.

(3) Accounting and Finance: financial management, accounting, finance, securities, auditing, investment, finance, taxation, taxation, statistics, banking, insurance, etc.

(4) Economics: Economics, Economic Management, National Economic Management, Macroeconomic Management, International Economic Management, International Economics and Trade, Industrial Economics, Agricultural Economics, Trade Economics, Labor Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Business Administration, Marketing and so on.

(5) computer class: computer, computer applications, computer science and technology, computer information, computer devices and equipment, software engineering, network engineering, electronic information science and technology, electronic information engineering, information resources management, information technology, information security.

(F) administrative management: administrative management, public **** management, personnel management, labor management, human resource management, etc..

(VII) English Class: English, English Education, Applied English, Business English, etc.

(viii) Electronics and Communications: electronics, electronics engineering, electronic science and technology, electronic information science, electronic information engineering, microelectronics technology, optoelectronics technology science, radio, communications, communications engineering, etc.

(IX) Mechanical: mechanical manufacturing, mechanical design, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, equipment engineering, process equipment and control engineering, industrial design, electromechanical equipment, mechatronics and so on.

(10) Medical: medicine, basic medicine, clinical medicine, preventive medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese and Western clinical medicine, rehabilitation therapy, medical technology.

(XI) Pharmacy: pharmacy, drug analysis, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology, pharmaceutical preparations, pharmaceutical engineering, drug testing, applied pharmacy, chemical pharmaceutical technology, modern Chinese medicine technology, traditional Chinese medicine resources and development, chemical industry and pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical quality testing technology.

(XII) Trade: trade, international trade, international economics and trade, industrial foreign trade, international business.

(xiii) Civil Engineering: architecture, architectural design, building decoration, civil engineering, building environment and equipment, urban planning, water supply and drainage engineering, civil engineering, etc.

(xiv) Transportation: transportation, traffic engineering, traffic equipment information engineering, traffic equipment and control, road transportation, railway transportation, civil aviation transportation, ship transportation, etc.

(15) Materials: materials science, materials physics, materials chemistry, materials engineering technology, metallurgical engineering, metal materials engineering, inorganic non-metallic materials engineering, polymer materials and engineering, composite materials and engineering.

(16) journalism and publishing: journalism, radio and television journalism, editing and publishing, publishing information management.

(xvii) Education: education, pre-school education, elementary education, humanities education, science education, educational technology, educational management.

(xviii) Biology: Biological Sciences, Applied Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioinformation Technology, etc.

(19) Geology and Mining: Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mineral Processing Engineering, Exploration Technology and Engineering, Resource Exploration Engineering, Geological Engineering and Technology, Mining Engineering, etc.

(20) water conservancy: water conservancy and hydropower engineering, hydrology and water resources engineering, water engineering and so on.

(21) environmental protection: environmental engineering, environmental science, environmental monitoring, environmental protection, environmental planning and management.

(xxii) Agronomy: agronomy, agriculture, agricultural and sideline product processing, animal husbandry, horticulture, plant protection, agricultural resources and environment.

(xxiii) Forestry: forestry, forest resource protection, forestry engineering, forestry technology, etc.

(xxiv) Food: Food Science and Engineering, Food Quality and Safety, Sugar Engineering, Grain Engineering, Oil and Grease Engineering, Food Hygiene and Inspection, Grain and Oil Storage, Agricultural Products Storage, Transportation and Processing, Aquatic Products Storage, Transportation and Processing, Refrigeration and Cold Storage Engineering.

(25) chemistry: chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering and technology.

(26) medical devices: medical devices, biomedical engineering, medical engineering technology, medical electronic instruments, medical imaging, etc.

(XXVII) prison management category: prison science, prison management, prison investigation, etc..

After all, there are so many categories of specialties that it is difficult to list them all here. In the discovery of their favorite positions, but the professional whether to meet the requirements of the candidates are not quite sure, you can call the corresponding units of the advisory phone number to confirm. In addition there are also many positions are professional unlimited, no matter which specialty you can apply for oh!