What are the dangers of racial discrimination to society?

Harm: racial discrimination can lead to society in a state of great instability, take the United States as an example: racial discrimination in the United States has the basic characteristics of persistence, systematic and comprehensive, seriously threatening the guarantee and realization of all human rights of ethnic minorities in its country.

From the overall situation in 2018, racial discrimination in the field of law enforcement and justice in the United States has not seen any improvement, hate crimes, especially anti-Semitism, have gained momentum, ethnic minorities are at an extreme disadvantage in the fields of economy, society, work, and health, and the xenophobic remarks made by high-ranking government officials have further inflamed the racist wave in American society.

Additionally racial discrimination manifests itself in overt and legalized ways and in covert and actual ways. In South Africa, racial discrimination manifests itself prominently in the form of apartheid, which has been a basic state policy of white racists for more than 300 years now.


The issue of race in the United States is a very old topic , but it is always given a new content by reality. Legally, we can see that segregation and racial discrimination were abolished in the 1960s.

But on a practical level, the systematic racial discrimination suffered by people of African descent has not changed much, and it is hard to change the discrimination against them in the bones of many whites, and people don't know how to go about solving this dilemma in the future.

For more than half a century, the United States has seen a wave of civil rights protests against racial discrimination against people of African descent, triggered either by unprovoked arrests or shootings by police, or by unfair judicial rulings against black people.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Racial Discrimination

People's Daily Opinion: A Long Road Ahead to Solve Race Problems