Cangzhou City has focused high-energy shockwave?

Cangzhou City has focused high-energy shock wave

Yes, now the development of science and technology has led to the development of the medical industry, medical development is now more and more inclined to painless, minimally invasive, and today we are going to talk about high-energy focused shock wave is a kind of painless treatment of necrosis of the femoral head. How much do you know about high energy focused shockwave? Why can it treat necrosis of the femoral head? Now we will answer for you one by one.

What is high-energy focused shockwave?

Shockwaves are generally categorized into low-energy shockwaves and high-energy shockwaves. Low-energy shockwaves are mainly used for pain relief and treatment of femoral muscle disorders. High-energy focused shockwave is used to treat necrosis of the femoral head. This technology opens up a non-invasive mode in the field of femoral head necrosis treatment, which meets the needs of many patients who can't or don't want to undergo surgery, and is a mature and effective way to treat femoral head necrosis.

Why can high-energy focused shockwave treat necrosis of the femoral head?

1. More accurate

According to clinical research, the sixth generation of high-energy focused shockwave can precisely target and localize the lesions of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, promote the regeneration of capillaries in the bone, inhibit the generation of damaged cells, and accelerate bone repair.

2. More efficient

The sixth generation of high-energy focused shockwave can precisely locate the necrotic foci under visual condition, and use the high-energy gathered sound wave to target "loosen" the hardened bone, and induce blood vessels to intervene in the foci to form capillary network. The blood can effectively reach the necrotic area and bring sufficient oxygen and nutrients, take away the inflammation and metabolic waste, and promote the regeneration of new bone.

Besides the high-energy focused shockwave treatment for femoral head necrosis, our common treatment for femoral head necrosis includes conservative treatment (wheelchair or crutches) and artificial joint replacement. The effect of conservative treatment is generally not very ideal, and artificial joint replacement is not only expensive, but also clinically less than 10% of patients who meet the surgical indications. So relatively speaking, high-energy focused shockwave treatment of femoral head necrosis is safer and more efficient.