Going to the hospital to see a detailed process: registration, waiting in the department, clinic consultation, prescription, payment for medication, etc.
1, registration
need to submit social security cards, medical cards, etc., in the medical records of the book to write their name, gender, age, and unclear routes you can ask the hospital work volunteers, they will be enthusiastic to help you solve the problem. Chargemasters in the outpatient management under the registration management or outpatient pricing and charging interface click on the registration button, enter the patient's basic information, registration level, collect registration fees, print the bill to the patient.
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2, department waiting
Patient with the registration slip, through the inquiry or instructions to find the consultation Waiting for medical treatment. While waiting for medical treatment, you can watch some promotional materials and TV videos in the waiting area, the doctor in the outpatient doctor's workstation to view the patient's medical records of the department, the patient to call the number of consultation.
3, clinic consultation
It is a place for doctors to communicate directly with patients, preliminary examination, initial diagnosis, and complete the diagnostic records. Generally a doctor and a patient, need a certain amount of space, need a certain amount of acoustic, visual privacy requirements.
4, prescription
In the department with the doctor to respond to their own recent condition reflects the situation, so that the doctor to understand your condition and make the appropriate treatment measures, the doctor diagnosis is completed, through the outpatient physician workstation, to the patient to start the treatment of the doctor's orders, sent to the fee office, and print the prescription form or examination and testing of documents to the patient.
5, payment for medication
Patients carrying prescription and test slips to the registered fee window to pay the relevant treatment, medical costs. The outpatient pharmacy is divided into two parts: Chinese medicine and western medicine, and is arranged in a centralized or decentralized mode.
1, in the hospital at any time you can consult the service desk, is responsible for outpatient consultation, guidance, and do a good job of convenience services, and will also be warmly received by patients. They are familiar with business knowledge, answer questions will also be patient and meticulous, accurate guidance, triage.
2, the center should be configured near the service desk self-service facilities, can realize the query, service navigation, registration and settlement of self-service, but also in the outpatient hall service desk to add free self-service blood pressure measurement and other self-service equipment.