What is a Graphical User Interface?
Graphical User Interface, known as GraphicalUserInterface, or GUI for short, is a user interface that presents the operating system, application software, and other programs in a visual way. In the early stages of computer technology development, the interaction between the user and the computer was relatively simple, and the user needed to enter specific commands through the command line in order to complete the corresponding operations. However, this type of interaction was not intuitive enough, and the threshold of operation was high for most users.
To solve this problem, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were introduced, first in Apple's Macintosh operating system, which allowed users for the first time to click on icons, windows, and menus to accomplish desired actions. computer skills to accomplish a variety of tasks with ease.
The advent of GUIs has also made computer use more interesting and intuitive. Through the GUI, users can easily perform various tasks such as letter editing and graphic drawing. The emergence of this mode of interaction has made the application of computers much wider and has also contributed to the development of computer science and technology.
In addition to displaying the interfaces of operating systems and applications, GUIs have gradually been applied to a variety of scenarios, such as video games, medical devices, cell phones, and car navigation systems. Especially in the field of smart phones, GUI is widely used, making the use of cell phones easier and more convenient, greatly expanding the scope of applications of cell phones.
In short, the emergence of GUI makes the use of computers more friendly and efficient, and also promotes the continuous development of computer technology.