How long does it take to do a "petct"?

A pet test usually takes about 3 hours. Generally speaking, the process of a PETCT can be divided into the following steps: making an appointment, taking a medical history, weighing yourself, taking a blood glucose test, injecting an IV, resting for 30-60 minutes, undergoing the test, and waiting for the results. The whole process of performing a petct examination takes about 3 hours to finish.

PET, known as positron emission tomography (PET), is a imaging device that reflects the genetic, molecular, metabolic, and functional status of a lesion. It uses positron nucleotide labeled glucose and other human metabolites as the imaging agent, and reflects the metabolic changes through the uptake of the imaging agent by the lesion, thus providing clinical information on the biometabolism of the disease.

PET uses positron nuclide as a tracer to understand the functional and metabolic status of the lesion through the uptake of the tracer by the lesion, which can macroscopically display the function of the whole body, metabolism and other pathophysiological features, and make it easier to find the lesion.

CT can accurately localize the lesion and show the microstructural changes of the lesion; PET/CT fusion image can comprehensively discover the lesion, accurately locate and judge the benignity or malignancy of the lesion, so it can be early, fast, accurate, and comprehensively discover the lesion. The anatomical structure of the lesion can be clearly obtained, but there are limitations in diagnosing the disease only by the structural features, and it is difficult to make an accurate judgment of the nature of some lesions, such as the benign or malignant nature of the tumor, and whether the tumor recurs after surgery.