The application of intelligent logistics

Intelligent medical, intelligent systems, cloud hospitals, Internet hospitals and other fresh vocabulary continue to influx, intelligent integration construction has become a major topic in the construction of hospitals at this stage, the public medical treatment in addition to the demand for medical treatment, but also reference to the hospital's environment, strength, reputation, etc., which the hospital's environmental management, intelligent construction also indirectly affects the patient's satisfaction with the treatment, bright and orderly hospitals are more likely to Let the patient get a sense of security. Intelligent hospital logistics transmission equipment, orderly goods transmission line, to help establish a good order of logistics transportation, in the hospital logistics intelligent construction plays an important role.

For a long time, due to a variety of reasons, the hospital logistics system is mostly practiced in the form of supply system type of physical supply. Therefore, most hospitals are still guarded by a complete range of categories, self-contained, and "large and complete" or "small and complete" service organizations and service facilities, as well as a large logistics team. This pattern of "hospital-run society" is unavoidable when productivity levels are low and wages are low, and it has played a certain positive role. But with the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy and the deepening of medical reform, the current hospital logistics management system has become more and more obvious to expose the insurmountable drawbacks.

Intelligent hospital logistics logistics transmission is to build a modern logistics management system is an important part of the hospital logistics in the warehouse storage, procurement of materials, escort, delivery and inspection, the central warehouse and other work has a close relationship with the hospital logistics transmission, a good logistics transmission system, can be faster and better to help the hospital modernization.

What is intelligent hospital logistics transmission? Hospitals with the help of intelligent logistics transmission equipment, the hospital large and small items for safe transportation between departments. The hospital to build a proprietary logistics transmission channel, the delivery period without manual tracking, operation, the entire intelligent system control, transport records can be accessed, so that the transmission of goods can be traced, to facilitate the supervision of the hospital, always grasp the logistics transport dynamics and the use of medical supplies.

Hospital intelligent rail logistics transmission system for intelligent medical care has brought a new bright spot, the system mainly consists of control system, send and receive workstations, intelligent transport vehicles, transport track, rail transfer, storage station and so on.

At present, domestic hospitals are still basically using carts as the main mode of transportation of goods, carts, although in the renewal, but no longer adapted to the use of hospitals in large areas. Hospital elevator car size: 1500 * 2500mm, stainless steel three-layer cart size 720 * 420 * 900mm, to different floors to transport items accounted for about 1/3 of the elevator space (taking into account the location of the transport labor required). In the case of a large number of patients, the hospital's internal transmission space is very limited, if the intelligent logistics transmission equipment instead of manual transportation to solve the problem of hospital goods transmission, not only to save space, the risk of goods transmission will also be greatly reduced.

Marriott MMT medium-sized logistics transmission system intelligent transmission equipment has been used in many domestic hospitals, I believe that in the future will become a regular medical transmission equipment.

Marriott MMT medium-sized logistics transfer system, the intelligent transmission of hospital medical goods transport mode. Installation of receiving and dispatching points in each functional department and nurses' station in the hospital, using the transportation vehicle as a carrier, realizing the transmission of medical goods in the proprietary track. According to the domestic hospital goods transportation needs, the world load capacity of 30kg, 68L Malit MMT medium-sized logistics transfer system, not only for small goods transportation, more suitable for hospital infusion kits, surgical instrument kits, sterile disinfection kits, treatment kits and other bulky goods transportation, can effectively solve the hospital more than 90% of the demand for goods transportation.