What is the meaning of solid state drive for laptops

The notebook's solid state hard disk mainly refers to the semiconductor storage drive based on NAND FLASH (with non-flash memory), which is also translated as solid state hard disk because it is considered to replace the traditional mechanical hard disk. It is mainly composed of a control unit and a storage unit (Flash chip), which simply means that the hard disk is made of an array of solid-state electronic storage chips. The interface specifications and definitions of the solid-state hard disk, its functions and methods of use are nearly the same as those of an ordinary hard disk, and its shape and size are also basically the same as that of an ordinary 2.5-inch hard disk.

In the beginning, due to the high cost of flash memory chips, the capacity of SSDs was far from being able to look at the back of its traditional hard disk, so it can be said that it has not been able to really enter the practical stage. Moreover, the price was not affordable. Recently, the cost of flash memory chips continue to decline, the process continues to improve, SSD capacity, but the price is getting cheaper and cheaper. Now the growth rate of players adopting SSD is amazing, and there is a trend of replacing the traditional mechanical hard disk in the high-end hardware market.

The seek time + latency time, which constitutes the average access time of a hard disk, is an indicator that affects the performance of the drive in question. In the SATA drives we've tested so far, average access times have generally been 15ms or more. And SSD is almost no access time this concept, in the test software, SSD average storage time results are often <0.1ms.

Laptop use SDD SSD one can improve the speed of boot shutdown, speed up the reading of data, for the office workers can give their own very save a lot of time, and then it works with a very low noise, compared to the ordinary mechanical hard disk. Almost zero, not only in a quiet environment for office work, coupled with its ultra-low power consumption, you can make the notebook standby time extended by 36%, which leaves enough time for going out to meetings.