Mary is a doctor.She lives at Flat 6C,Block 10,Lu translation:
Mary is a doctor.She lives at Flat 6C,Block 10,Lu in Luxembourg.
Meaning of Mary:
Noun: Mary (woman's name).
Meaning of is:
Verb: to be (three-singular form of be).
Noun: existence.
Meaning of a:
Infinitive article: one (one); ? Each (one); ? Any (one)
Meaning of doctor:Noun: doctor, doctor, ? doctor, ? theologian, ? medical device.
Verb: medical treatment, the practice of medicine.
Verbs: repair, assemble, ? adulterate, modify, modify, fake.
She means: pronoun, she.
Live means:
Adjective: alive, vivid, live, energetic.
Infinitive Verbs: live, inhabit, survive.
Transitive verb: experience, spend time.
Noun: (Live) a person's name; (French) Leaf.
Meaning of at: ?
Preposition: at (a place, place, position, space, etc., indicating presence or appearance.) ; at (a certain price, speed, etc.), to, up to, because, towards, busy.
Nouns: att (att, the basic unit of Lao currency), [in chemistry, astatine (a very unstable radioactive element).
Abbreviations: airtight; air temperature.
Flat means:
Noun: Flat ground, apartment, plane.
Adjectives: flat, monotonous, slumpy, dry, flat, flat, shallow.
Intransitive verb: gradually flattened; [music] sung (or played) in a descending key.
Transitive verb: to flatten; to bring down (in pitch), especially a descending semitone.
Adverb: to stick to another surface, flatly, categorically, horizontally, directly, completely.
Noun: (French) Frater (person); (English) Fleet (person)
Block means:
Noun: a block, a block of wood, a block of stone, a building, a group, an obstruction (thing), an obstacle (thing).
Verb: to block.
Meaning of LU:
Territory:Luxembourg , Luxembourg
So: Mary is a doctor.She?lives at Flat 6C,Block 10,Lu translates to:Mary is a doctor.She lives in Luxembourg,Block 10,Flat 6C.