Do not trade off the platform. Many friends will meet such buyers when they just start making idle fish. As soon as they come up, they will say, "Honey, I like your goods very much, but I have no money, can I?" Many friends will add him as friends stupidly! If the situation is good, you are just the person he added to drain. When the situation is not good, he will fool you into delivering the goods.
Then directly apply for a refund and say that the goods have not been delivered. At this time, it is useless for you to find customer service, because the screenshot of the transaction under the platform is useless! So, don't think you can add them to the list, most of them are liars! !
2, idle fish do not need a deposit to open a store!
Many people have been cheated by this kind of scam. You can search on Zhihu. Many friends have met such a liar!
These are liars! ! Never believe it! There are also buyers who say that they can't pay, so let you click on the link to find customer service. Don't click! Don't click the unknown link sent by the buyer, and don't scan the unknown QR code! The idle fish platform does not need to pay any margin or guarantee funds, so you must not relax your vigilance in such a situation!
3. Don't trade illegal products.
Please read the following rules carefully and keep them in mind before putting them on the shelves.
Don't publish what shouldn't be published. There are many commodities that are forbidden to be sold by idle fish, such as alcohol, tobacco, food, medical and health care equipment, etc. Don't test on the edge of violation. Once found out, the goods will be removed from the shelves, and in severe cases, the titles will be permanently sealed.
It should be noted that you should try not to make virtual items, such as virtual currency and electronic materials. Although many of these goods are sold on idle fish, some people sell them better, but they are not long-term goods after all. Once reported, it will be wasted.