Archives classification is what?

Archive classification is based on certain criteria, according to the archive source, time, content and form characteristics of the similarities and differences in the archives, the archives are hierarchically differentiated, and the formation of a corresponding system.


Broadly speaking, the concept of archival classification, classification of archival entities, archival retrieval classification. The function of these three kinds of classification has its own focus, the conceptual classification is mainly for the specific understanding of the archives, the entity classification is mainly for the scientific management of the archives, the search classification is mainly for the accurate search of the archives. Narrowly refers to the whole file classification, that is, the classification of the archives, it is only one aspect of the classification of the archives entity.

Archives classification is a variety of perspectives, multi-level classification system, classification method is more complex, there have been a variety of opinions, is one of the main content of archival research.

Retrieval classification:

Also known as archival information retrieval classification or archival intelligence retrieval classification. Is a logical system of hierarchical classification of the content of archival records as the object. It is based on the state institutions, social organizations engaged in the division of social practice, based on the relationship between the attributes of the archives as the basis for the description of things, in accordance with the logical method of unified classification, not subject to the limitations of the archives belong to the whole file.

Mainly used for the preparation of card catalogs and the organization of the mechanization of intelligence, automated search, generally not applicable to the classification of the management of the archive entity (with the exception of some special professional archives), the archives of the classification system of intelligence retrieval and classification of archival entities on the shelves of the sequence of classification is usually inconsistent.