Valve failure blood accumulation
Veins, which are well hidden under the bare skin, why run to the surface of the skin and become so obvious and touching?
This is because of blood stagnation in the veins.
Why does blood stasis happen
It is because blood in the veins of the legs returns to the heart and needs to flow from low to high, a flow that defies the principles of physics, thanks to the many valves in the veins that are shaped like little pockets. These act like valves, allowing blood to pass through when it is traveling toward the heart, but blocking it from flowing in the opposite direction.
If the valves fail, blood pools in the veins, which then dilate and buckle. And when one valve fails, the next valve loses its function, and then the third and fourth. This creates a vicious cycle. In Chinese medicine, it is also called, "Fried Legs" or "Vasculopathy", which occurs in workers who are engaged in standing for a long period of time with heavy loads. About 40% of women and 25% of men have various related symptoms, including mild leg discomfort, fatigue, pain and swelling, which, if left untreated, can lead to soft tissue necrosis or ulceration.
Valve piston ring failure
Superficial varicose veins tend to start in the calves and extend to the thighs, while deeper varicose veins can appear anywhere in the lower extremities.
However, the appearance of a long, straight "vein" in the calf is not necessarily a varicose vein. This is common in the calves of athletes, where the feet are often compressed and the vein is raised, which is a normal phenomenon.
Varicose veins are a vicious circle, when one of the valves in the vein breaks down and loses its function of transporting blood back to the heart, the blood accumulates in the vein, the vein expands under pressure, which leads to the next valve, which can't cover the over-expanded vein, and loses its function as a piston, which in turn affects the third and fourth valves. With the gradual improvement of people's living conditions, more and more people are paying attention to early treatment or good lifestyle maintenance to prevent it from developing and deteriorating.
Causes of piston failure
The causes of venous valves losing their piston function include the following:
(1) Congenital causes: The patient's valves may be born with some minor problems, which, together with acquired stress, result in the formation of varicose veins;
(2) Vascular disease: Valve function may be impaired in those who have suffered from venous thrombosis;
(3) Vascular problems: Valve function may be impaired in those who have suffered from venous thrombosis;
(4) The patient's valves may be impaired in some ways.
(3) Perforation failure: The perforating veins that connect the superficial veins to the deep veins have valves that prevent blood from flowing from the deep veins to the superficial veins. However, when the valves of the perforating veins are not functioning correctly, the blood flows freely and puts pressure on the superficial veins, causing them to dilate;
(4) Drug addicts: Those who take drugs with syringes are prone to damage to the valves of deep veins;
(5) Drug addiction: The valves of deep veins are easily damaged;
(6) Drug addiction: The valves of deep veins are easily damaged by the use of syringes. p>
(5) Pregnant women: female hormones cause the veins to dilate and the valves do not cover the veins to stop the backflow of blood;
(6) Obese people: the pressure on the veins increases because of the need for the lower limbs to support the large body. Traditionally, varicose vein surgery is to draw and strip the main trunk of the saphenous vein while making multiple incisions to strip the varicose veins of the calf. This type of surgery is more traumatic due to the many incisions, making the patient's hospitalization time usually around a week. In recent years, minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins have gradually emerged. Endovenous laser closure surgery (EVLT) is a procedure that uses a special wavelength laser to intervene in the main trunk of the saphenous vein through a fiber optic and then closes the vein. This technique avoids to a certain extent some of the complications associated with the stripping of the saphenous vein. This technique avoids some of the complications associated with saphenous vein stripping, such as hematoma and saphenous nerve injury. Similar to laser, there are also radiofrequency and cryoclosure techniques. These 3 techniques have the same point of avoiding saphenous vein stripping. However, they are not effective in treating varicose veins of the lower legs and often have to be combined with traditional stripping procedures. In clinical practice, laser treatment has a high recurrence rate, mainly due to inexperience of the surgeon and large caliber of the saphenous vein. In addition, discomfort due to striated phlebitis in the thighs one week after laser treatment is one of the main complaints of many patients. The Trivex technique is designed for patients with extensive varicose veins in the lower legs and utilizes a subcutaneous light source to locate the varicose veins, which are then removed using the Trivex system. This technique solves the problem of varicose veins in the calf by making only 2 incisions in the calf. However, the plano-absorption technique is not suitable for the main trunk of the saphenous vein. Also, plano-absorption is not strictly minimally invasive; it looks like fewer and smaller incisions, but there is more trauma under the skin. Sclerotherapy sounds like a good technique, with no anesthesia, no incisions, and low cost. However, there are significant risks associated with sclerotherapy; firstly, extravasation of the sclerosing solution can lead to skin necrosis. Secondly, once the sclerosing agent flows into the deep veins, it can lead to thrombosis and in severe cases, pulmonary embolism. In recent years, a series of improvements have been made to sclerosing agent injection, such as the emergence of microfoam technology, which can make the occlusion effect better and at the same time reduce the concentration and dosage of sclerosing agent, which greatly avoids the complications in the past. However, sclerosing agent injections are very ineffective in the management of the saphenous vein trunk. In clinical practice, the high recurrence rate and the factors of the domestic medical environment make it not widely used. Vascular surgery in various parts of China has adopted the above techniques in recent years, and has made great progress and achievements in the treatment of varicose veins. However, in general, there are still some problems in treating varicose veins in China. The problem of overmedication. Varicose vein surgery is a relatively common procedure, and the preoperative diagnosis should be relatively simple and clear for most patients. It should be possible for an experienced vascular surgeon to make a clear diagnosis through physical examination. It seems that the vast majority of patients do not need ultrasound and angiography of the deep veins before surgery. In fact, a significant number of medical institutions use DVT at the drop of a hat, putting the patient at risk for a number of complications associated with the imaging. This puts the patient at risk for a series of complications associated with the imaging, such as allergy to the contrast medium or thrombosis. At the same time, the use of DVT significantly increases the cost of treatment for the patient and prolongs the waiting time for the procedure. Nevertheless, it is necessary for inexperienced physicians or in difficult clinical cases. In the postoperative period, it is also inappropriate for many healthcare providers to treat varicose vein surgery patients with antibiotics. This is because saphenous vein surgery, in the absence of an infected ulcer, falls into the category of aseptic surgery and there is no indication for the use of antibiotics. These unscientific preoperative and postoperative measures can be regarded as "overmedication" to a certain extent. There are factors such as the doctor's philosophy and academic level, as well as financial incentives. The choice of surgery. Many medical institutions rely on the equipment they have rather than on the specific condition of the patient. Since the equipment used in the treatment of varicose veins is expensive, e.g., laser, radiofrequency, plano-suction, etc., all of which cost hundreds of thousands of RMB or more, most of the hospitals purchase only one of these devices. Therefore, in marketing, most of the hospitals only publicize how good their equipment is and exaggerate the scope of their treatment. It is not difficult to understand why some hospitals say that laser is the best treatment for varicose veins. While another hospital claims that radiofrequency is the best treatment for varicose veins. None of these claims are really scientific. As described at the beginning, each device has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to use one or a combination of them depending on the patient's specific condition. The effectiveness of the treatment is judged. Varicose veins are, strictly speaking, a clinical manifestation of many diseases. Varicose veins themselves are not harmful to the body except for the aesthetic changes in the image, but the complications brought about by the long-term development of varicose veins, such as thrombosis, ulcers, edema, etc., are the main factors affecting the daily life of the patient. Therefore, the main purpose of treatment of varicose veins is to prevent these complications or for cosmetic purposes. The outcome of varicose veins should be evaluated by focusing on the patient's perception and quality of life, and the long-term results should be followed up. Some providers use sclerotherapy injections which do resolve varicose veins in the short term, but the majority of patients experience a recurrence after a few years due to untreated diseased trunk veins. The evaluation of laser and radiofrequency procedures has also revealed over the years that there is a risk of recanalization of the main saphenous vein leading to recurrence if not performed by an experienced surgeon. Although there are only two incisions in the plano-absorption technique, the scope of trauma, the area is mostly under the skin, so the postoperative subcutaneous bruising is more serious and requires bandages for a longer period of time, which is difficult for Chinese patients to accept as the postoperative recovery is relatively slow. In addition, since varicose vein surgery is not very expensive and generates very little benefit to the medical organization, the above mentioned overmedication occurs: the patient's hospital stay is unnecessarily prolonged and the cost is unnecessarily increased. If we understand the problems described above, we should know that we cannot blindly tell a patient what technique is the best, but only what is the most appropriate after examining the patient. To standardize the course of treatment of varicose veins, the hospital stay should be within two days. (Unless of course the patient suffers from other physical ailments) Medications for varicose veins and their effects In the last decade various medications for varicose veins have appeared, breaking the pattern of varicose vein treatment that used to be dominated by surgery. The main representatives of these medications are oral medications such as Aveneo, Procalcitonin, Mazolam, etc. The main reliance is on imported medications. They are mainly imported. These drugs have gone through a series of clinical trials and toxicology tests, so they are more scientific and standardized, and are most widely used in the clinic. ALVENOR, the English name is ALVENOR, the main ingredients are Diosmin and Hesperidin. The main effect is to prolong the time of contraction caused by norepinephrine on the wall of the vein, so as to enhance the tension of the vein. EVENOR has a specific affinity for veins without affecting the arterial system. In addition, Avellan can significantly reduce the adhesion of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells, migration, disintegration and release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine, bradykinin, complement, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, excessive free radicals, etc., thus reducing the permeability of capillaries and enhancing their resistance, and also has the function of lowering the viscosity of the blood and enhancing the flow rate of erythrocytes, thereby reducing the stagnation of the microcirculation. In addition, for the lymphatic system, Avellan increases the speed of lymphatic drainage and lymphatic constriction, thus accelerating the reflux of intertissue fluid, improving lymphatic reflux and reducing edema. Evalon is easy to take, 2 tablets each time, once a day. It should be taken for at least 2 months. The safety profile of Aesculette is excellent and it does not affect pregnancy, fetal development or morphologic changes in the newborn. Aescuven forte, the main ingredient of Aescuven, is European horse chestnut seed extract. The main effects are (1) reduce vascular permeability, serum lysosomal activity has a significant inhibitory effect, stabilize the lysosomal membrane, impede the metabolism of proteases, reduce capillary permeability, reduce oozing, prevention and treatment of tissue swelling, venous edema. (2) Increase venous return, reduce the symptoms of venous depression. (3) Increase the elasticity of blood vessels and increase vascular tone. General use is 2 tablets each time, twice a day. Melilotus Extract Tablets, the main ingredient of Melilotus Extract, is the fluid infusion of grass carpenter's rhinoceros. The main effects are (1) reduce the increased permeability of capillary walls caused by various reasons, improve peripheral circulation and increase blood flow. (2) Desiccation has obvious analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. (3) Increase the generation of newborn granulation tissue and promote wound healing. (4) Inhibit the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in renal tubules, exert diuretic and decongestive effects. (5) Improve arterial and venous blood flow, normalize intracapillary pressure, prevent the loss of serum protein, maintain normal colloid osmotic pressure, and thus play an anti-edema role. However, Prof. Zhang Qiang emphasized that these drugs only have a preventive and delaying effect on varicose veins. Strictly speaking, it is not possible for drugs to straighten veins that have already developed varicose veins, because the pathologic basis of varicose veins is valve destruction. The rational use of drugs should be to slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the clinical symptoms associated with varicose veins. Or it is an adjunctive treatment after the patient undergoes surgery for varicose veins. As for the oral preparations of traditional Chinese medicine marketed on the Internet or by small medical institutions, which are claimed to be able to "clear veins, remove blockages, and activate blood circulation", most of them have not been clinically verified, or have no drug batch numbers at all, or have false batch numbers, so patients should not believe them easily. Therefore, varicose veins are less effective than compression stockings in terms of pathological mechanisms. Many patients have good results after taking medication and wearing compression stockings at the same time. In fact, most of them are the effect of compression stockings. Compression stockings are also conservative treatment and do not cure varicose veins. The vast majority of patients still need surgery after years of taking medication and wearing compression stockings, leading to an increase in the financial burden. The reporter learned that with the minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins, more and more people are choosing early minimally invasive surgery. Now the patient receives minimally invasive varicose vein surgery by Prof. Zhang Qiang, the minimum time in the hospital can be less than 24 hours, internationally known as "DAY SURGERY", also known as "Day Surgery" or "Varicose Vein Same Day Surgery" in Chinese. DAY SURGERY" is also known as "Day Surgery" or "Varicose Vein Same Day Surgery" in Chinese. You can see a lot of knowledge about varicose veins on Prof. Zhang's Good Doctor website. Five types of treatments
In general, varicose veins are not life-threatening and do not require any treatment; however, in severe cases, the blood is squeezed out of the blood vessels causing inflammation, and the long-term inflammation makes the muscles harden, fibrotic, and ulcerated and black. When your feet feel itchy, painful, eczema, red and swollen, you may need to seek medical help.
In severe cases of varicose veins, where the valves are dysfunctional, the doctor can perform surgery to pump the problematic veins out of the body, but this treatment option is limited to superficial varicose veins.
If the problem is from a perforated vein, the doctor will use an endoscope to bind up the fascia of the perforated vein to stop the blood from flowing in and out of the perforated vein, and the problem will be solved.
A sclerosing solution is injected into the varicose veins to shrink and narrow them, and is limited to treating varicose veins below the knee.
3Compression therapy
For deep varicose veins, an elastic bandage can be used to wrap the lower limb and put pressure on the vein to stop localized high blood pressure and promote blood flow.
4Leg Exercises
Minor varicose veins, though painless and harmless, are an eyesore. As summer approaches, when you put on shorts or a bathing suit, your feet swell up with curved, blue and purple "veins", which are a real eyesore. Some simple activities can soothe varicose veins and stop the process from getting worse.
1) Exercise your calf muscles.
Dr. Ken Xiong pointed out that calf muscle is an auxiliary blood pump that helps veins pump blood back to the heart, which can slow down the deterioration of varicose veins. When the calf lacks exercise for a long time, it loses this function. Cycling, walking and swimming all help strengthen the calf muscles.
2) When you sleep, gently cushion your feet to promote blood flow to your feet and relieve pressure on your veins.
3) Compression stockings can be worn, but they are not very comfortable in summer as they are more constricting. 5. Medication: Conservative treatment is usually done with specialized medication.
Running is recommended for varicose veins
The reason for varicose veins is that the blood is stagnant in the venous ducts of the lower limbs due to prolonged standing work and the blood circulation is not smooth. The best way to prevent varicose veins is to exercise more. Running can increase the activity of leg muscles and squeeze the blood in the veins to make it flow more smoothly. If you keep on doing it for a long time, your varicose veins will be cured.