What data type is PVOID? I don't quite understand. Please give me some advice! !


Come back and see MSDN

I searched this from the internet.

A common pointer type is equivalent to (viod *).

There is still something useful for you.

There are many data types in win api programming. Can someone elaborate on it?

CALLBACK replaces FAR PASCAL in the application's callback routine.

A 32-bit unsigned integer used as a handle.

HDC device description handle

A 32-bit unsigned integer is used as the window handle.

LONG 32-bit signed integer.

LParam is used to declare the type of LPARAM.

LPCSTR is similar to LPSTR, but it is only used to read string pointers.

LPSTR is a 32-bit pointer.

A common pointer type of LPVIOD is equivalent to (viod *).

Return value of LRESULT child window procedure

NULL is an integer value of 0, which is usually used to activate the default actions and parameters of a function.

UINT is an unsigned integer type whose size depends on the host environment; It is 32 bits under NT.

WCHAR is a 16-bit UNICODE character, which is used to represent the symbols of all languages in the world.

WINAPI replaces FAR PASCAL in the definition of API.

Statement about WPARAM