Trains running on the Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway include trains C123/C122 and C106/C107.
1. What are the stops and timetables for the C123/C122 trains?
Starting station: Tangshan, Departure time: 09:15, Terminal: Beijing, Arrival time: 10:56, Total time: 1 hour 41 minutes .
2, C106/C107 train stops and timetable
Starting station: Caofeidian Port, departure time: 16:52, terminal: Beijing, arrival time: 19:40, total time: 2 hours 48 minutes.
Multiple initiatives to ensure that the passenger train start
Beijing station related person in charge of the introduction, in order to do a good job of the passenger train start service, the station in the west side of the waiting hall in the obvious position of the new medical service room, equipped with diagnostic beds, AED defibrillator and other basic first aid equipment, to provide travelers with medical services. At the same time the continued implementation of passenger tickets, to make up, temporary identification electronic services, the implementation of the ticket after the change of the ticket in a ladder of refund fee requirements, to ensure that the convenience of the people to the people's measures on the ground.
Smooth passenger travel, the Spring Festival during the peak passenger flow, timely adjustment of the ticket window settings, reasonable arrangement of the number of refund and other functional windows, open the full inspection gates, increase the security channel and hand inspection force, and according to the characteristics of the passenger flow of each train to carefully adjust the line use and waiting layout, optimize the experience of the purchase, inspection, in and out of the station in all aspects, to ensure that the passenger travel safety, smooth.