Does the air conditioner have a fresh air function?

Home air conditioners, whether wall-mounted or cabinet, do not have a fresh air function, that is to say, there will not be various exchanges with the outdoor air; only the indoor air circulates through the indoor unit of the heat exchanger to warm up or cool down.

Air conditioning is the air conditioner (Air Conditioner). It is a device that regulates and controls the temperature, humidity, flow rate and other parameters of the ambient air in a building or structure by artificial means.

Functional Cooling

In the design and manufacture of air conditioners, it is generally allowed to control the temperature between 16 and 32 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is set too low, on the one hand, increase unnecessary power consumption, on the other hand, cause the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, people in and out of the room can not quickly adapt to temperature changes.

The air conditioner is accompanied by dehumidification in the cooling process. People feel comfortable in the environment relative humidity should be about 40 ~ 60%, when the relative humidity is too large, such as in more than 90%, even if the temperature in the comfortable range, people still feel bad.