What do rail transit majors need to learn?

The main courses of railway transportation are: management principles, introduction to transportation, economic law and traffic rules, introduction to transportation economics, railway transportation equipment, railway transportation organization and management, railway freight organization, railway passenger transportation organization, etc. In addition, there are some professional courses such as rail transit engineering drawing, introduction to urban rail transit, subway fire protection and security system, subway ventilation and refrigeration system, and urban rail transit fare collection system.

More specifically, students will be exposed to practical courses such as elevator principle and maintenance, urban rail transit operation organization, subway water supply and drainage system, urban rail transit power supply system operation and maintenance, and urban rail transit vehicle maintenance. In terms of language skills, Mandarin and Business English are also compulsory subjects. In addition, in order to better serve passengers, students also need to learn English for urban rail transit passenger service, ticket management, marketing, rail transit communication and signal, passenger organization, electronic and information systems, rail transit operation safety and emergency treatment, traffic etiquette, rail station operation management and other courses.

The study content of this major is rich and varied, covering all aspects of rail transit, aiming at cultivating students to master the basic theory and skills of rail transit transportation management and engage in transportation organization, technology and management in rail transit enterprises.