What are the uses of water?

What is the use of water

1. Water has a regulatory effect on the climate.

2, water is an important part of all living things. Water in the human body accounts for 70% of the body weight; water is an essential substance to maintain life.

3, water on the human daily life essential substances. Such as cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning, etc.

4, industrial production can not be separated from water. Such as raw materials, product treatment water, boiler water, washing water, cooling water and so on.

5, water is the lifeblood of agriculture. Agricultural production, need a lot of water for irrigation.

The earth's surface is 3/4 covered by water, but the available fresh water only accounted for 2.53% of the total amount of global water reserves, most of which are also distributed in the polar glaciers and snow cover, alpine glaciers and permafrost layer is difficult to use. Gram utilization of water only about 30.4%. In addition, with the rapid development of modern industry, a large number of discharge of all kinds of wastewater, so that the natural water system has been significantly contaminated, the water quality generally declining, available for safe use of fresh water is more apparent day by day insufficient. Water conservation, prevention of water pollution, protection of water resources is currently an important basic national policy!

What are the uses of water

1 To sustain life

2 To clean things

3 To keep oneself clean

4 To enjoy

5 To make a pleasant sound

6 Hydroelectric power generation

7 Industrial water

8 Planting

9 To make a beverage

p> What is toner? What are its uses?

Toners, softeners, and astringents are collectively known as lotions.

The difference between toner, astringent water and softening water is not too great, except that toner, astringent water is more suitable for Tian Dan hotter, face more love oil weather use, softening water is more suitable for dry season use.

After washing the face with a towel to wipe out the moisture, the use of contraction water, soft skin water and other soft lotion is to absorb the nutrients and do the preparatory stage, there is a conditioning of the skin and the role of supplying moisture to the stratum corneum. Shrinking water not only do the role of astringent, but also to supply moisture to the skin, but also have to regulate excessive sebum function and control the function of the oil, is a summer must-use skin care products.

But if you think your skin is not tender enough and is more prone to allergies then using a lotion is a little more appropriate.

If the bottle of toner or astringent water is non-transparent, never buy it. It's impossible to tell unless you've used it, which is another story.


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What is the purpose of toner? What are the benefits?

Toner is a must-have maintenance product whether we wear makeup or not. Some lotions have the function of cleansing and moisturizing your face after washing. Some lotions have the ability to hydrate and moisturize the skin, while at the same time whitening the skin and removing dullness and so on. It depends on which one you choose. Use powder at the end of your make-up for a translucent look. It makes your makeup look more natural. The same time, there is the effect of fixing the makeup!

What is the use of toner

When it comes to toner, people who don't often make up always think that these three words have nothing to do with them. In fact, every woman (even men), want to have a clean, fresh face, you can not do without makeup.

After washing your face, dip a cotton pad in the lotion and pat it on your face to thoroughly remove harmful bacteria from your skin.

As we all know, 70% of human tissue is composed of water, in addition to diet, skin care is a day can not lack of water, you can imagine how the loss of moisture apple, dry and rough, no elasticity, all wrinkles, for the pay off of the skin is the same, to protect the skin within the "water", the most reliable! The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the best out of it.

The lotion is a transparent liquid cosmetic, which contains cosmetic ingredients such as aloe vera extract and natural moisturizing factor that can fully replenish the water in the skin stratum corneum and moisturize every keratinocyte. When applied to the surface of the skin, it can be used to cleanse the skin and keep it healthy. In addition, lotion also has a moisturizing and balancing effect on the skin, so some cosmetic brands also refer to their products as toners, moisturizers, and so on.

Although the general facial cleanser has a cleaning effect, in fact, the use of facial cleanser to wash the face, most can only be washed off the surface of the skin attached to the dirt, such as dust, makeup, makeup remover residue after removing makeup remover oil ...... etc., but the skin of the inner layer of the dirt is still "unharmed", and the lotion contains bactericidal, cleansing ingredients, wash your face with a cotton pad, and then use the lotion to wash your face. The first thing you need to do is to use a cotton pad and pat it on your face to get rid of the harmful bacteria in your skin.

In addition to the cleansing function, more than 60% of the composition of the lotion is water, which can replenish the skin surface water. In addition, it also has a pH-adjusting effect. After using a facial cleanser (which is often alkaline), the skin is temporarily out of balance, and the use of lotion can adjust the pH value of the skin.

Before choosing a lotion, you must determine your long-term skin condition, such as: long-term acne, always T-zone oil, skin is very easy to itch, peeling, skin is not white enough, skin is too dry. All of these conditions are judgment criteria for you to diagnose your skin.

The types of lotion can be divided into:

⒈ soft skin lotion: In addition to the basic water supplementation and moisturizing function, but also through different combinations of humectants, water-soluble polymer with or without, as well as the alcohol content of the amount, etc., to highlight the skin's touch.


?Cleansing lotion: It is mainly used to remove light makeup or as a pre-makeup face cleanser.

Singed Multi-Layer Lotion: It is a lotion composed of more than two layers of liquid, divided into liquid type composed of oil layer and water layer, and solid type composed of water layer and powder, which has the advantages of the above lotions, and it needs to be shaken before use, so as to make it fully mixed before use.

How to wipe with the lotion effect will be better? You can use a cotton pad, you can also use your hand to directly shoot up. There are two ways to use a cotton pad, one is to use your fingers to hold a cotton pad that has been absorbed, gently patted on the face, the use of astringent lotion, this method is most effective.

This method can also be used to moisturize makeup under certain circumstances. In winter, when the skin gets hot in a heated room, patting has a cooling effect on the skin and also shrinks the pores. It's also a good way to wake up your skin by pouring lotion into your hands and rubbing it directly on your face, but do it with clean hands and be patient and careful with the small areas around your nose and eyes.

What is the role of water in daily life

The simplest, can drink, to sustain life on earth. Sixty to seventy percent of the mass of the human body is water.

It can be used to wash clothes and so on.

It can also be used to generate electricity. It is also used to make medicines in medicine.

It is used to irrigate farmland, raise livestock, and

maintain the water cycle on Earth, without which there would be no life.

What is the use of water

The role of water on the human body Water is the source of life. The need for water is second only to oxygen. If a person does not intake of a certain vitamin or mineral, may be able to continue to live for a few weeks or live with the disease for a number of years, but people without water, but only a few days to live. An important component of the body's cells is water, which makes up 60 to 70% of an adult's body weight and more than 80% of a child's body weight. What is the role of water? 1. All kinds of physiological activities require water, such as water can dissolve a variety of nutrients, fats and proteins, etc. to become suspended in the water in the colloidal state in order to be absorbed; water in the blood vessels, between the cell stream, the oxygen and nutrients transported to the tissue cells, and then metabolic wastes discharged, in short, a variety of metabolic and physiological activities can not be separated from the water. 2. Water has a certain role in thermoregulation. When people breathe and sweat will discharge some water. For example, in the hot season, the ambient temperature is often higher than the body temperature, people rely on sweating, so that the water evaporates to take away part of the heat, to reduce body temperature, so that people from heat stroke. And in the cold, due to the water storage heat potential is very large, the human body does not cause the external temperature is low and make the body temperature fluctuations. 3. Water is also a lubricant in the body. It can moisturize the skin. Skin dehydration, it will become dry and lose elasticity, look old. Some of the body joint capsule fluid, plasma membrane fluid can make the organs from friction between the damage, and can turn flexible. Tears, saliva are also the corresponding organ lubricant. 4. Water is the world's cheapest and most therapeutic power of miracle medicine. Mineral water and electrolyte water health and disease prevention is well known. This is mainly because water contains components that are beneficial to the human body. When colds and fever, drinking more boiled water can help to sweat, reduce fever, flush out the toxins produced by bacteria in the blood; at the same time, the increase in urination is conducive to accelerating the elimination of toxins. 5. Large burns, as well as severe vomiting and diarrhea and other symptoms, a large loss of water in the body, are required to replenish fluids in a timely manner in order to prevent severe dehydration and aggravate the condition. 6. A glass of water before going to bed helps beauty. Before going to bed, you have to drink a glass of water anyway, the beauty effect of this glass of water is very big. When you fall asleep, that glass of water can penetrate into every cell. Cells absorb water, the skin is more delicate. 7. into the bath before a glass of water always keep the skin youthful vigor. Be sure to drink a glass of water before bathing. Bathing the amount of sweat for the usual twice the body's metabolism accelerated, drink the water, can make every cell of the body can absorb water, creating a light and soft skin. 8 It should be noted that, for the elderly and children, tap water after boiling is the most conducive to health, the current market for sale of water purifiers, purification will reduce the minerals within the water, long-term drinking effect is not as good as natural water sources. Insufficient water intake or excessive water loss can cause water loss in the body also known as dehydration. According to the proportion of water and electrolyte loss is different, divided into three types. 1, hypertonic dehydration: water loss is the main loss, electrolyte loss is relatively small. Hypotonic dehydration: the loss of electrolytes is the main loss, and the loss of water is relatively small. Isotonic dehydration: water and electrolytes are lost proportionally, and the osmolality of body fluids remains unchanged, which is more common in clinical practice. Life on earth first appeared in water. Water is an important component of all living things. Water in the human body accounted for 70% of body weight; water is essential to maintaining life, people also have quality requirements for drinking water, if the water lack of essential elements or some harmful substances, or by the contamination of water quality, less than the requirements for drinking, will affect human health. The water lives a large number of aquatic vegetation and other aquatic organisms. Water is conducive to the chemical reactions in the body, in the organism also plays a role in the transportation of substances. Water plays a big role in maintaining the stability of the temperature of the organism.

For many things can be done this way or that way, there is always a way. For example, lighting, no electric light, we can light candles; no candles, we can point oil lamps; no oil lamps, we can point pine torch; even the torch is not, we have to wait quietly for the night to pass, the arrival of day. And for water it was different. No water, we can not wash our faces, brush our teeth, can not quench their thirst, there is no fish and shrimp on the table, can not see the flowers and trees, do not know what is called swimming, ships and boats are all scrapped, the concrete block can not be, high-rise buildings can not be built, and even the little dolls crying there are no tears ......

On earth, where there is water, where there is life. All life activities are originated from water. The water in the human body is about 65% of the body weight. Among them, the brain medulla contains 75% water, blood 83% water, muscle 76% water ......

What is the use of water in the human body?

Free water:

1. Dissolution and digestion

Water is an essential medium for biochemical changes in all physiological processes in the body. Water has a strong solubility and ionization capacity (water molecules polar), can make water-soluble substances in a dissolved state and electrolyte ionic state, and even some fats and proteins can be dissolved in water under the appropriate conditions, constituting emulsion or colloidal solution. The substances dissolved or dispersed in water are conducive to the effective conduct of chemical reactions in the body.

After the food enters the cavity and the stomach and intestines, it relies on the digestive organs to secrete digestive fluids, such as saliva, gastric fluid, pancreatic fluid, intestinal fluids, bile and so on, in order to carry out food digestion and absorption. The water content in these digestive fluids is up to 90% or more.

2. Participate in the metabolic function

In the metabolic process, the body's material exchange and chemical reactions are carried out in water. Water is not only the medium of biochemical reactions in the body, and water itself is involved in the body oxidation, reduction, synthesis, decomposition and other chemical reactions. Water is a variety of chemical substances in the body to ensure normal metabolism.

If the human body is chronically dehydrated, the metabolic function will be abnormal, the metabolism will be slowed down so as to accumulate too much energy and fat, making people obese.

3. Carrier transport function

Due to the good solubility of water, mobility, and contained in the body of various tissues and organs, water acts as a carrier of various nutrients in the body. In the transportation and absorption of nutrients, gas transportation and exchange, metabolite transportation and excretion, water is playing an extremely important role. For example, the transportation of oxygen, vitamins, glucose, amino acids, enzymes, hormones to the whole body; urea, uric acid and other metabolic wastes transported to the kidneys, with the urine out of the body.

4. Regulate the inhibitory function

The high specific heat of water has the effect of regulating body temperature on the body.

The best way to prevent heat stroke is to drink more water. This is because it is believed that the intake of the three major energy-producing nutrients in the participation of water, the use of oxygen for oxidative metabolism, the release of energy, and then through the evaporation of water can be dispersed a lot of energy, to avoid the rise in body temperature. When the body lacks water, excess energy is difficult to disperse in time, thus triggering heat stroke.

In addition, water can also improve the circulation of body fluids and tissues, regulate muscle tone, and maintain the body's osmotic pressure and acid-base balance.

5. Lubrication and moisturizing function

Doing sports in the absence of water is risky. Because the tissues and organs lack the lubrication of water, it is easy to cause wear and tear. Therefore, it is best to drink enough water 1 hour before exercise.

The body's joints, ligaments, muscles, membranes and other places of activity, by water as a lubricant. The viscosity of water is small, can make the body friction parts lubrication, reduce the friction of the body organs, to prevent injury, and can make the organ movement flexible.

At the same time, water has a moisturizing function, so that the body cells are often in a moist state, to maintain the skin plump and soft. Regular quantitative hydration, will make the skin especially moist, full, elastic. It can be said that water is a good thing for skin beauty.

6. Dilution and detoxification

People who do not like to drink water are often prone to acne, this is because the human body detoxification must have the participation of water. Without enough water, toxins are difficult to effectively discharge, stagnation in the body, it is easy to trigger acne.

In fact, water not only has a good ability to dissolve, but also has an important dilution function, the kidneys excrete water at the same time the body can be metabolic wastes, toxins and ingested excess drugs and so on and discharged to reduce intestinal absorption of toxins, to prevent harmful substances in the body of the chronic accumulation and cause poisoning. Therefore, you should drink enough water when taking medication to help effectively eliminate the side effects of drugs.

Bound water: changes in the state of bound water in the cell have a direct impact on the ability to restore biological activity

-- quoted from Baidu Encyclopedia

What is the role of water

Uses of water 1. Sixty percent of your body is water On Earth, where there is water, where there is life. All life activities are originated from water. Water in the human body, about 65% of the body weight. Among them, the medulla oblongata contains 75% of water, blood contains 83% of water, muscle contains 76% of water, even the hard bones also contain 22% of water miles! No water, food nutrients can not be absorbed, waste can not be discharged from the body, the drug can not reach the site of action. Once the human body lack of water, the consequences are very serious. 1-2% water shortage, feel thirsty; 5% water shortage, dry mouth, skin wrinkles, confusion, and even hallucinations; 15% water shortage, often even more than hunger. No food, people can live a long time (some estimates for two months), if not even water, at best, can live about a week. 2. The lifeblood of crops Grab a handful of plants with your hand and you will feel wet and cool, which is due to water. Plants contain a lot of water, accounting for about 80% of body weight, vegetables contain 90% -95% water, aquatic plants contain more than 98% water. Water for the plant to transport nutrients; water so that the plant branches and leaves to maintain a graceful form; water to participate in photosynthesis, the manufacture of organic matter; water evaporation, so that the plant to maintain a stable temperature will not be burned by the sun. Plants are not only full of water, crop life are consuming water. 1 kilogram of corn, is watered with 368 kilograms of water; the same, wheat is 513 kilograms of water, cotton is 648 kilograms of water, rice is as high as 1,000 kilograms of water. A seed to the ground, ten thousand grains back to the warehouse, the agricultural harvest, the water has made a lot of credit miles! 3. The blood of industry Water, participated in a series of important links in the production of industrial and mining enterprises, in manufacturing, processing, cooling, purification, air conditioning, washing and so on play an important role, known as the blood of industry. For example, in the iron and steel mills, relying on water to cool down to ensure production; ingots rolled into steel, to use water to cool; part of the blast furnace converter soot to rely on water to collect; boiler is inseparable from the water, manufacturing 1 ton of steel, about 25 tons of water. Water in the paper mill is the pulp raw materials, explaining the agent, washing transport medium and drug solvents, the manufacture of 1 ton of paper with 450 tons of water. Thermal power plants use a very large amount of water for cooling and, at the same time, consume some water. Food factory and flour, distillation, boiling, pickling, fermentation are inseparable from water, soy sauce, vinegar, soda, beer, etc., simply water incarnation. 4. Water to go all over the world Human beings discovered early that water has buoyancy, so the boat came into being, from the sheepskin inflatable rafts, hand paddling canoes, the wind to make the helm of the beautiful multi-masted sailing ship, to carry thousands of passengers on a luxury liner, nuclear energy as the power of aircraft carriers. Whereas water separates the land from the rest of the world, the ship connects the world. China's Zheng He led a huge fleet of ships on seven voyages during the Ming Dynasty, reaching as far as the area around Somalia in Africa. Waterway transportation is cheaper than road and rail transportation, has a large volume of transportation, is smooth, and is still a transportation line that will not be blown up. What's more, there are places that can't build roads at all and can only rely on water transportation. Therefore, in the transportation industry, the waterborne transportation of passengers and freight accounted for a large proportion. The development of water transportation, prosperity of the economy, but also make Shanghai, Tianjin, Hong Kong, New York, Rotterdam and other ports into a world-class city. 5. No water is difficult to become a beautiful scene Historically, the place of scenic beauty, mostly water as the protagonist of the arrangement. You see, the tide of the Qiantang River, Mount Everest, Mount Lushan's mist, Mount Huangshan's sea of clouds, Harbin's ice lanterns, are the water for the landscape deformation. With the geological perspective, rising Guilin peaks, ghostly Yunnan stone forests, the loess slopes of thousands of ravines, the lusciousness of the rainbow stone, everywhere there is outstanding performance of the water. Venice, Suzhou, Jinan, Yueyang, also known for water, West Lake in Hangzhou, Yangzhou Slim West Lake, Beijing Kunming Lake, Wuhan three towns, Shanghai Huangpu River, Guangzhou Pearl River, is water contributes to the beauty of the environment. Taihu Lake, the beauty of the beauty of the water. Nowadays, reservoirs and channels have become important resting places for people; man-made fountains and chiming water clocks have become the most attractive attractions; swimming, diving, surfing and boating are the most popular water activities. 6. Water and environmental protection Water in the natural environment and social environment, are extremely important and active factors. Beautiful scenery, birds and flowers, wind and rain, the harvest, is the pursuit of human beings to aspire to the beauty of the situation, but also human labor to create and carefully care for the fruit. Water in constant motion, in the human body, in the farmland, in factories, so that the world is full of vitality and vitality, dirt is taken away by the water flow, diluted, dissolved, and purified by nature. However, more water, less water, dirty water, can also cause great disharmony. River overflow, land rowboats; bare ground thousands of miles, seedlings withered; water body rotten, sores, all ......

What are the properties and uses of water

Chemical properties:

1, electrified to produce hydrogen and oxygen 2H2O Electrified 2H2↑ + O2 ↑

2, and alkaline oxides react to form bases CaO + H2O == Ca(OH)2

3, and acidic oxides react to form acids H2O + CO2== H2CO3

4, high temperature conditions and carbon reaction: C + H2O high temperature CO + H2

What is the use of water?

1. Water has a regulatory effect on the climate.

2, water is an important part of all living things. Water in the human body accounts for 70% of body weight; water is an essential substance to maintain life, there is no life without water, people can not live without water every day!

3, water on the human daily life of the substance. Such as cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning, etc.

4, industrial production is inseparable from water. Such as raw materials, product treatment water, boiler water, washing water, cooling water and so on.

5, water is the lifeblood of agriculture. Agricultural production, need a lot of water for irrigation.