Only nVIDIA graphics card comrades, other graphics cards the author's computer is not, can not explain.
The graphics card driver has a number of parameters can be adjusted, adjusted the game performance will have a lot of enhancement, many people do not understand the settings of the parameters, of course, is the parameter terminology is too professional cause, I checked a lot of information, which only to figure out.
Open the nVIDIA graphics driver control panel, right-click the desktop, select nVIDIA control panel. The first thing you need to do is to go to the "Manage 3D Settings" section of the 3D settings, and then to the "Global Settings" section where you can see the 3D performance control options.
"Coherent texture lock", this option is "Use hardware";
"Triple buffer", this option is effective after turning on the vertical synchronization, usually "Off" is recommended.
"Anisotropic Filtering" is a great way to improve the image quality of the game, so choose the multiplier according to the level of your graphics card, and choose 4x for low-end graphics, 8x for mid-range, and 16x for high-end graphics. p>"Vertical synchronization" refers to the graphics card in order to maintain a balance between the refresh rate with the monitor, and the game refresh rate cap is locked at the same refresh rate as the monitor, if the screen refresh rate is 60hz, the game screen speed will be limited by 60 fps, it is recommended that you "force
"Multi-Monitor/Mixed GPU Acceleration", this option is only available when using multiple displays, just keep the default "Multi-Monitor Performance Mode";
"Smooth Processing - Mode", this option is only available when using multiple displays. "Smooth Processing - Mode", this option is to choose whether you want to force the game antialiasing in the driver, if the game itself has AA option, you can choose "Application Controlled"; if you want to force the setting in the driver, you should choose "
"Smoothing - Settings", this option can only be adjusted when "Replace any application settings" is selected, 2x, 4x, 8xQ, 16xQ for MS sampling, 8x. 16x for CS sampling; 8x. 16x for CS sampling, 16xQ for MS sampling, 8x, 16xQ for CS sampling; where MS sampling has a large performance drop, CS sampling strikes a balance between effect and performance; choose this option yourself according to the performance of your graphics card;
"Smoothing - Transparency", this option is to set the Transparent Antialiasing Mode, which realizes a non-marginal AA, with better anti-aliasing effects; Multi-aliased mode, which is to set a transparent antialiasing mode. The transparent antialiasing mode can realize non-edge AA and better antialiasing effect; the performance of multi-sampling is higher and the picture quality is a bit weak, the performance of super-sampling is lower and the picture quality is better, please choose according to the requirements of the game screen;
"Force to be mipmaps", the option is to choose "no";
"Texture filtering - Negative LOD Offset
"Texture Filtering - Negative LOD Offset", choose "Lock" for this option;
"Texture Filtering - Quality", this option can control other "Texture Filtering" options in one step. options, we recommend "High Quality" for pursuing image quality;
"Texture Filtering - Trilinear Filtering" is similar to "Anisotropic Filtering Optimization", you can choose it according to your own requirements. This option is similar to "Anisotropic Filter Optimization" and can be selected according to your own requirements.
Changing the resolution options:
Currently, we use LCDs, and I use Haier HDTV screens, so choose the physical resolution of the monitor, and keep the refresh rate at 60.