Is it okay to go back to the company you used to work for?

If the previous company really needs you and you don't have a better position at the moment, consider going back.

Although it is said that a good horse does not come back to grass, when there is no better grass in front of you or as far as the eye can see, why not try to go back to it? But back to the previous unit, as you said, faced with some confusion: you have to start from scratch, you have to be managed by the previous level, and even some of the old colleagues will laugh at you, and so on. In fact, these are not important, the important thing is that you have more advantages than other newcomers, and the next one to be promoted may be you; also, you need to have the courage to prove yourself by working harder and better than others.

No matter where you are, put your heart and soul into everything you do, and good luck will be waiting for you right in front!