Tangshan Dow ion exchange resin in the ultrapure water system in which application

The field of Dow's ion exchange resin

1, the field of water treatment Dow's ion exchange resin is in great demand, accounting for about 90% of the production of ion exchange resin for the removal of various anions and cations in water. At present, the largest consumption of ion exchange resin is used in thermal power plant pure water treatment, followed by atomic energy, semiconductor, electronics industry.

2, the food industry ion exchange resin can be used for sugar, monosodium glutamate, wine refining, biological products and other industrial devices. For example: the manufacture of high fructose syrup is extracted from corn starch, and then by the hydrolysis reaction, produce glucose and fructose, and then by ion exchange treatment, can generate high fructose syrup. Ion exchange resins are second only to water treatment in terms of consumption in the food industry.

3, the pharmaceutical industry, the ion exchange resin on the development of a new generation of antimicrobial agents and the original antimicrobial quality improvement has an important role. Streptomycin development success is a prominent example. In recent years, it has also been studied in traditional Chinese medicine and other aspects.

4, synthetic chemistry and petrochemical industry

In organic synthesis, acid and alkali are often used as catalysts for esterification, hydrolysis, ester exchange, hydration and other reactions. Instead of inorganic acid and alkali, ion exchange resin can also be used for the above reactions, and has more advantages. For example, the resin can be used repeatedly, the product is easy to separate, the reactor will not be corroded, do not pollute the environment, the reaction is easy to control.