Heart stent medical insurance can reimbursement

Heart stenting medical insurance proportion can be reimbursed, you can directly consult the hospital stenting doctor, domestic stents and imported stents local medical insurance reimbursement ratio.

Reimbursement scope

A basic insurance does not pay the cost of the scope of the diagnosis and treatment program

1, the service category

①registration fee, out-of-hospital consultation fees, medical records, such as the cost of books

2 ② visit fee, examination and treatment of the expedited fee (except for emergencies), the surcharge on the name of the surgical surcharges, high-quality and premium fee, the self-employment of special nurses fee, such as special medical services

2, the cost of the medical services

3, the medical services of the medical staff of the medical staff of the medical staff of the medical staff of the medical staff of the hospital. / p>

2, non-disease treatment programs

①A variety of cosmetic (cosmetic life, medical aesthetics) fitness programs and messy non-functional cosmetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, etc.

② a variety of weight loss, gain weight, increase in height

③ a variety of health checkups

④ a variety of preventive, health care treatment programs

⑤ Dental orthodontics, dental ceramic

6 a variety of medical consultations (excluding psychiatric consultations), medical evaluation

3, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medical materials

① the application of positron emission tomography devices, electron beam CT, ophthalmic excimer laser therapy and other large-scale medical equipment for the checkup and treatment program

② eyeglasses, dental prostheses, eye prostheses, prosthetics, hearing aids and other rehabilitative devices

3, the use of medical equipment and materials

5 a variety of preventive health-care projects

5 dental orthodontics, dental porcelain baking / p>

③ a variety of self-use health care, massage, examination and rehabilitation and treatment equipment

4, treatment program category

① all kinds of organ transplantation or tissue transplantation of organ or tissue source;

② in addition to kidney, heart valves, cornea, skin, blood vessels, bone, bone marrow transplantation of other organs or tissues transplantation

③ myopic orthopedic surgery

④ qigong therapy, music therapy, health care nutrition therapy, magnetic therapy and other complementary therapeutic projects

5, other

① a variety of infertility (pregnancy), sexual dysfunction diagnosis and treatment

② a variety of scientific research, clinical validation of diagnostic and treatment projects

Basic medical insurance to pay part of the cost of the diagnosis and treatment program scope

1, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medical materials

① application of X-ray computed tomography device (CT), stereotactic radiography (γ-knife, χ-knife), cardiac and angiography X-ray machine (including digital subtraction equipment), magnetic **** vibration imaging device (MEI), Single Photon Emission Computer Scanning Device (SPECT), color Doppler, medical linear gas pedal and other large medical equipment for examination, treatment projects

② extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy

③ pacemaker, artificial joints, artificial crystals, vascular stents within the replacement of artificial organs, materials placed in the body

④ provincial pricing department Provincial pricing departments can be charged separately for disposable medical materials

2, the treatment program category

① hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis

② kidney, heart valves, cornea, skin, blood vessels, bone, bone marrow transplantation

③ cardiac laser perforation, anti-tumor cellular immunotherapy and fast neutron therapy program

④ a single cost of more than $400 Medical instruments and equipment for examination, treatment items and medical materials

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Expanded Information:

Medicare reimbursement

I. Students and children

In a billing year, the starting standard for tertiary hospitals is 500 yuan and the reimbursement rate is 55% for medical expenses under 180,000 yuan that are eligible for reimbursement; secondary hospitals The starting standard is RMB 300 and the reimbursement rate is 60%; Level 1 hospitals do not set any starting standard and the reimbursement rate is 65%

II. For elderly people over 70 years old

In a settlement year, if they have incurred medical expenses of less than RMB 100,000 which are eligible for reimbursement, the starting standard of Level 3 hospitals is RMB 500 and the reimbursement rate is 50%; Level 2 hospitals start with RMB 300 and the reimbursement rate is 60%; Level 1 hospitals start with RMB 300 and the reimbursement rate is 60%. The reimbursement rate is 60% for Level 1 hospitals; there is no starting standard for Level 1 hospitals, and the reimbursement rate is 65%

C. For other urban residents

In a settlement year, for medical expenses under 100,000 RMB that are eligible for reimbursement, the starting standard for Level 3 hospitals is 500 RMB, and the reimbursement rate is 50%; the starting standard for Level 2 hospitals is 300 RMB, and the reimbursement rate is 55%; and Level 1 hospitals have no starting standard for Level 1 hospitals, and the reimbursement rate is 55%. Hospitals do not have a starting standard, the reimbursement rate is 60%

/baike.baidu.com/item/medicare-reimbursement-ratio/4277454 "target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia-medicare reimbursement ratio

/baike.baidu.com/ item/Medicare Reimbursement Scope" target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia-Medicare Reimbursement Scope