How to calculate RF connector power (commonly used SMA,BMA,N,D etc.)
RF connector power to bear with the size and material related, generally can not be directly calculated. The same connector, the use of different materials, power withstand is not the same. Generally speaking, the power tolerance of the connector with the signal frequency becomes higher and lower. For the same frequency of the RF signal, the size of the connector with large power to withstand large. For example, the general SMA connector, in 2GHz power withstand is about 500W, in 18GHz power withstand less than 100W. BMA and SMA is about the same, N connector power withstand is about 3-4 times of the SMA. The power tolerance mentioned above refers to continuous wave power. If the incident power is pulsed, the power tolerance is higher. Note that if the matching of the transmission process is not good and the standing wave is too large, the power tolerance of the connector may be higher than the incident power. Generally, for safety reasons, the power loaded on the connector should not exceed 1/2 of its limit power.