As of 2019 there are several versions of the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals which is the latest one

As of November 2020, it has not been updated. Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals, 2015 by the State Council's Supervision and Administration of Work Safety in conjunction with the State Council's Industry and Information Technology.

Public security, environmental protection, health, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, transportation, railroads, civil aviation, agriculture authorities, according to the identification and classification criteria of the hazardous characteristics of chemicals to determine and publish. And the introduction of the "Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2015 Edition) Implementation Guidelines (Trial)" (Safety Supervision General Office of the management of three [2015] No. 80).

Expanded Information:


Safe Transportation

(1) Before loading and unloading of chemically hazardous materials, we should make preparations in advance to understand the nature of the goods, check whether the tools for loading and unloading are firm, and if they are not firm, they should be replaced or repaired. If the tools have been contaminated by flammable materials, organic materials, acids and alkalis, they must be cleaned before use.

(2) operators should be based on the hazardous properties of different materials, respectively, wear the appropriate protective gear, work on toxic, corrosive, radioactive substances should be strengthened attention. Protective gear including overalls, rubber aprons, rubber cuffs, rubber gloves, rubber boots, gas masks, filter masks, yarn masks, yarn gloves and goggles. Before operation, a person should check whether the equipment is proper and whether it is worn appropriately. After the operation should be cleaned or disinfected, placed in a special box and cabinet for safekeeping.