How much is the biggest difference in price indexes across China?

Top 10 cities in the first half of the price increase ranking Wuhan topped Beijing sixth

As the capital, Beijing's price increase level is not the highest in the country. Statistics show that Beijing's consumer price index was 100.6 percent in the first half of the year, ranking 6th among China's 10 largest cities.

In the first half of the year, Beijing's total consumer price level rose 0.6 percent. It moved to sixth place among the 10 major cities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Shenyang, Harbin and Nanjing from eighth place in the same period of the previous year.

The top two gainers were Wuhan at 102.3% and Tianjin at 101.8%; Nanjing and Shenyang tied for third place with an index of 100.9%; Chongqing ranked fifth at 100.8%; and the bottom four cities were Xi'an, Guangzhou, Harbin, and Shanghai.

From the classification situation, Beijing is higher than the average rising index of the 10 major cities in six categories, namely: food, tobacco, alcohol and supplies, clothing, household equipment and supplies and services, health care and personal goods, transportation and communications; and lower than the average index of only two categories: 98.1% of entertainment, education and cultural goods and services, 101.7% of housing, lower than the average index of 2.14 and 1.1 percent respectively. 2.14 and 1.1 percentage points lower than the average index respectively.

From the situation of price index changes, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi'an, five cities index from decline to rise, the index of the largest difference in Wuhan, the index in the first half of this year than the same period last year, 4.2 percentage points higher; Chongqing, Shenyang price index in the previous year on the basis of the rise continued to climb, Guangzhou index from decline to flat; only Shanghai, Harbin from rise to fall.