Generally, when you graduate from college, the file in the school academic department. After you find a job, if the job is within the system to transfer files, it will be by the unit personnel office to your school to send a transfer letter, the school to send the file to the unit personnel office. If your job is outside the system of the company does not have the right to file, then they will open an account in the talent, after you join, they notify the talent to open a letter of transfer, the school to send the file to the talent center.
If you don't find a job after graduation, or if you find a job that doesn't care about archives, your archives will be "called back to the place of origin", that is, where you enrolled in the university employment center or the street, and after that you will find a unit that manages the archives, and you will have to transfer the archives from the university employment center or the street.
There is also a situation where you don't have a unit, or you are recruited regardless of the file, and the school is not willing to go through the trouble of mailing you the file back to your place of origin, it will seal up the file and give it to you, and then store it in the unit when you find a place to receive it. This is called a pocket file, and it is irregular because the file cannot be met with in person. So if this is the case, you have to pay attention to be sure not to open the file bag, if you open and then sealed, the seal was seen to open the traces, the file will be invalidated, and then you find the archiving unit can not be deposited.