Why wards should be checked for weekly objects

Ensuring safety. The contents of a ward need to be checked regularly to ensure that the contents of the pharmacy meet safety standards and to prevent accidents. For example, checking for broken wires, neatly arranged items and clean floors.

1. Improve efficiency. Through the weekly goods inspection, can be found in time and solve the problem, improve the efficiency of the ward work. For example, timely supplementation of medicines is found to be insufficient, and incomplete medical records are found to be made up in a timely manner.

2. Quality assurance. Weekly object inspection can ensure the quality and hygienic condition of the objects in the ward, so as to protect the health and safety of patients. For example, checking the expiration date and packaging integrity of drugs, checking the hygiene of food.

3. Maintenance of equipment. The equipment in the ward, such as ventilators, monitors, etc., need to be regularly checked and maintained to ensure that the equipment can work properly and provide better medical services for patients.