Is hemofiltration covered by Medicare?

Not included in the scope of medical insurance. In line with the basic medical insurance drug catalog, diagnostic and treatment items, medical service facility standards, as well as emergency and rescue medical costs, in accordance with national regulations from the basic medical insurance fund. Blood filtration (CRRT), adapted to critically ill patients or the need to do bedside (can not be moved), but no stand-alone water treatment hospital.

Hemodiafiltration is the introduction of the patient's arterial blood into a semipermeable membrane filter with good permeability and an area comparable to the glomerular filtration membrane, due to the presence of a transmembrane pressure gradient between the blood area and the outer membrane;

When the blood passes through the filter, plasma, in addition to proteins and cells and other organic components, water and most small and medium-sized molecules are filtered out in order to achieve the removal of the excessive water retained in the blood and solutes retained in the blood for therapeutic purposes.

Role: hemofiltration can remove medium and large molecules of toxins in the body, the process of blood flow rate is slightly faster than hemodialysis, hemofiltration is also dehydrated, but it can not be as thorough as hemodialysis. So when doing hemofiltration, you should try to control the amount of water you drink. To do or not to do hemofiltration, is through the blood biochemical examination, to observe the body in the large molecule toxin indicators whether or not to increase.

In principle, dialysis patients should have hemofiltration four times a month to protect their cardiovascular system. However, because hemofiltration is not covered by health insurance, you have to pay about 500 yuan for each hemofiltration (the cost varies from place to place). Dialysis patients basically do hemofiltration 1-2 times a month, which can also protect the cardiovascular and cerebral blood vessels.

Legal basis: "People's Republic of China **** and the State Social Insurance Law" Article 28 In line with the basic medical insurance drug catalog, diagnosis and treatment items, medical service facilities standards and emergency, rescue medical expenses, in accordance with state regulations from the basic medical insurance fund.