A rough estimate of the market, the cost of orthodontics, often from 30,000 to 70,000 range.
Taking orthodontic treatment as an example, there is a saying that "orthodontic treatment is comparable to a face-lift", which reflects two signals: long cycle and high cost. Traditional orthodontics requires the orthodontist to go to a clinic or hospital, make an appointment, register, wait, take pictures, check and so on. When they come back for a follow-up appointment, they have to repeat a lot of processes frequently, which takes too much time and costs too much to go back and forth.
The cost of this time is mainly in the tediousness of the process and the waiting, which is very much not worth it. In addition to all this, the average clinic has a lot of advertising costs, all of which inevitably cause the cost of orthodontics to go up, and the fees naturally go up.
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Extended information: Wearing and caring for Invisalign braces >1, correct wearing Wearing the aligner must confirm the upper and lower jaw and step, wear any time from the upper or lower jaw aligner, gently press the aligner after using the fingertips in the back of the teeth area even pressure. It is important to make sure that your hands are clean before removing and wearing the appliance, and that you do not bite directly and violently to finish seating the appliance. This may cause damage to the aligners. At the beginning of wearing orthodontic appliances teeth have obvious pressure or tightening feeling is normal, the longer you wear this force will slowly weaken, if there is obvious discomfort or dull pain, you should seek medical help in time. 2, the correct take down first from one side of the teeth behind the tongue start to use the tip of the finger slowly from the teeth, must pay attention to the action of the gentle. If you find that the aligner is broken and deformed, attachments fall off or wear, wear the aligner to bring repeated damage to the oral mucosa to seek medical help. 3, wear time daily wear orthodontic appliances at least 22 hours, each position evenly bite 20 minutes or so, each pair of orthodontic appliances need to wear two weeks, must be completely close to the tooth surface, if the feeling of powerlessness need to be replaced with the next pair. Replace the new aligners before going to bed, if you do not wear them according to the time you should tell the doctor in advance, and install other assistive devices in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions. /www.baidu.com/link?url=Bh66vavkTrcgX992BwHF2p2DWEp-064z3cRyJcXje_ 3heflP67BByUwsFwU5Yjg9gQx5qw9Z0izjiZpXmrIE5a7uicQc0mGBwb8HpTwFuDK&wd=&eqid=d5918b34001b457b000000065def8025 "target="_blank " title="People's Daily - Wearing invisible braces to be aware of must keep in mind these 5 maintenance priorities">People's Daily - Wearing invisible braces to be aware of must keep in mind these 5 maintenance priorities /tech. ifeng.com/c/7rUkgznbQG2 "target="_blank "title="Phoenix - 50,000 invisible braces xixilab as little as 18,000 is how to do it">phoenix.com -How $50,000 of Invisalign xixilab for as little as $18,000 was done