2. Uses of helium: Helium is used as a filling gas because it is lighter than air, does not support combustion, and is non-corrosive to many materials. It is commonly used to fill helium balloons, helium windships, and gas spheres, and it is used as a refrigerant in low-temperature physics and experiments. In particular, liquid helium (which is cooled down to very low temperatures) is very important in superconducting electromagnets, nuclear magnetic **** vibration (nmr) instruments, and Some laboratory uses are very important, helium is used to analyze gas mixtures in scientific instruments such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometers, in deep sea diving helium is mixed with oxygen to reduce nitrogen uptake and thus reduce the risk of gas poisoning for divers, this mixture is called a helium-oxygen mixture, liquid helium is used to cool superconducting magnets in mri machines in order to maintain the low temperatures and to enhance the performance of the instruments, helium Because of its special properties, it is also used in the manufacture of foam, in argon helium knives to treat cancer, in artificial atmospheres and as a component of radium media.
3, helium is a rare gas, the chemical formula for he, colorless and tasteless, chemically inactive, the state is very difficult to react with its substances, helium has a wide range of uses, involving high-tech, medical, industrial and recreational and other fields.