20 17 Cost Engineer's "Engineering Valuation" Knowledge Points: Investment Estimation Indicators
Principles of compiling investment estimation indicators
Investment estimation index belongs to the technical and economic index of estimating investment in the early stage of project construction. It should not only reflect the static investment in the implementation stage, but also reflect the dynamic investment in the early stage of project construction and delivery period, which requires the investment estimation index to be more comprehensive and universal than other valuation quotas.
Contents of investment estimation indicators
(1) unit engineering index
Meaning: Including the cost of projects that can be designed and constructed independently.
In which: construction and installation engineering costs
(2) Individual project indicators.
Meaning: the total investment of a single project that independently exerts its production capacity or efficiency.
Including "construction costs, installation costs, equipment, tools and furniture purchase costs and other expenses that may be included."
(3) Comprehensive indicators of construction projects.
Meaning: the total investment of a construction project from project preparation to completion acceptance and delivery.
Including: single project investment, other costs of project construction and reserve funds.
20 10, single selection According to the general division principle of single projects, the following single projects belong to auxiliary production facilities ().
A. Wastewater treatment station
B. Water tower
C. Machine maintenance workshop
D. Staff hospital
Answer: c
Analysis: Auxiliary production facilities. Refers to the engineering project that serves the main production workshop. Including centralized control room, central laboratory, machine maintenance, electrical appliance repair, instrument repair and woodworking (mold) workshop, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and dangerous goods warehouse.