f she she with the year f month f she day, our province salt city due to the city west water plant raw water contaminated with phenolic compounds, at least f she million residents affected. "Protectio

f she she with the year f month f she day, our province salt city due to the city west water plant raw water contaminated with phenolic compounds, at least f she million residents affected. "Protection of drinking water security 5, pure water in the lack of essential minerals and trace elements, long-term drinking on human health is not good, so the option is wrong.

B, copper sulfate belongs to heavy metal salts, toxic to the human body, can not be used in water plants to disinfect drinking water, so the option is wrong.

C, sewage treatment can be reused, so the option is wrong.

D, to ensure that the water source is not polluted, is to protect the safety of drinking water, maintenance of life and health of the guarantee, so the option is correct.

The choice of D.

These are the main reasons for the increase in water supply.