Beginning not to say much
After entering the town of LeBeaux, to the north is DestroyedCity, west of DestroyedCity is ima toilet,
After passing through the DestroyedCity, you can open the bridge gate of Blizban Farms, and then to the east after crossing the bridge, you can see the farmoutside toilet, and then to the south is TheJungle.
Through the jungle, over the mountain range, you can reach the pirate village, personally I think the mountain range is not well designed, a little difficult.
From the northeast of the village, you can drill a cave to reach the Sanctuary map. This is where the first part of the game comes to an end.
Exterminate the bosses in the first part and move on to the second part of the game.
First, there is Desert Town, and the map to the west of Desert Town is BloodMountain, where you can find Wortton's Factory, Oil Tycoon, and Dinosaur Graveyard. It's all clear up to here.
After that, complete the second part of the game and talk to the general, who will launch you to the North Pole.
Defeat Santa Claus and talk to the Monolithic Researcher, who will teleport you to the Moon's Spell (in Item).
The prologue can be found, so I won't load it, briefly: clear the screen then combine ink, handwriting paper, and feather, the code word is the third mighty orc roaring
Main quests:
=====LeBeaux Town, Pirate Village, Sanctuary Part of ===========================
CantankerousDelivery:Deliver a letter to lucy, she's in the town of lebeaux
FindADetour:At the far end of the jungle, follow the path all the way around. Don't doubt that you are wrong!
Keytotheship:The key is in the hands of the drinking pirate halfway up the hill.
Lemon:You can get a lemon from the quarreling farmer.
ThongolithofCompassion:Use the research equipment at the jungle monolith to fend off the Dark Knight. This main line is hard, it is recommended to use the glasses to confuse the enemy when the trial is full, and then use a ranged attack, I was confused and then kept spinning and dragging until the end of the quest...
GunParts: The guns are in the basement of the sanctuary (the monastery), you have to get the 5 ruby books to get in, then solve the puzzles and cross the bridge to get all the guns.
TheThongofCompassion:After placing the Red Book, defeat the boss in the underground cell to complete it, there is a detailed introduction in the Dark Forest section
OpenTheGateToTheWest:After completing the TheThongofCompassion and defeating the boss in the first part, you will complete it. The first part of the boss is done after that.
========== Part 2 Desert =====================================
WhiteBanditoBlockade (White Bandito Road Bandit):White Banditos White Bandito Beastman took his stuff, complete the cart driver and the Young Woman's 3 White Bandito quests to unlock.
RedBanditoBlockade (Red Bandito Road Bandit):Complete the Red Bandito quests given by the cart driver.
BlueBanditoBlockade (Blue Bandito Road Bandit):Complete the Blue Bandito Bandit quest given by the cart driver.
NitroRun: Deliver the compound to the conductor along the railroad tracks, the location is not far, run along the tracks to get there, pay attention to get the compound can not be attacked, and can not be injured, otherwise it will be blown up, not very difficult, but the production team arranged a "surprise" waiting for us....
ThongolithofCuisine: the second stage of the game, in the desert at the monolith to use the research equipment to resist the black knight. Again it's hard, King Cobra, and nature-based bombs work better against them.
chunkofgold: second part of the game. In the desert town, open the chest while MadamePrimp is changing clothes, and after the match, get it.
T.G.I.W. BirthdaySong (TGIW's Birthday Song):Go to the desert town of tina, the food vendor, when your library card is today's date, (first go to HauntedCrotch which is the tavern there is a newsstand in front of the tavern, read the date on it and then go to change the library card) when she will give you a "sing" birthday song. Sing" the birthday song, it's very rhythmic (foggy), my song below (just to keep a memory, don't look at it), but actually the dialog is different for everyone playing, so please write it down well and then go to Wharton's and answer the questions.
4.butpleasedont' bedismayed,westillneedtogetpaid
T.G.I.W.DrugTest:Go to the lower right corner of the Infirmary medical office and click on the toilet to complete it. The requirement is that you can't drink from the blood vial for the first two minutes.
T.G.I.W. Uniform (TGIW's member):Enter Wharton's workshop, kill the ninja employee, get the pieces of clothing, double-click to get the identifying mark flair, enter the cookiebreak to get the clothing's sample vist, combine the 6 identifying marks and the sample to get the employee's clothing, wear it and talk to the secretary at the door.
The Thong of Cuisine, talk to Wharton after you enter her office, she'll have a food contest, but the judge is Japanese and can't understand the requirements.
Go to the library, first book on the first shelf, learn Japanese. Open it and it will be animated.
After that, go back to the basement and talk to the Japanese referee, who will give you a description of the food you want: tofu tofu okra okra potato potatoes
Talk to the cute little orphan to get the food and hand it over to the referee, who will tell the ninjas to attack the boss, so you can start the fight and beat the boss to complete the mission.
LiquorLicense:Retrieve the food store manager's license from wortton. This is completed at the end of the second part, buy rum rum from him when you're done.
Rum (Rum):Buy rum from the tavern after completing LiquorLicense. You can't complete it until the end of the second part.
============== Part 3 The Sea ================================================
mapoutthenothpole (Map of the North Pole):After you get the ship, go around the North Pole for a week touching the ten beacons.
ThongolithofGenerosity:Northwest of Christmas Island, place the device. Hey, is there a better device for this mission than a scope causing chaos?
MuffleTheMirth (Carnival banned!). :Talk to Santa at the North Pole and drop into the maze to get it. Find the exit to complete it. Go down to get the treasure, then up to find the exit. Use the wrench to open the door to the exit. After this, defeat the reindeer to get the antlers to fight Santa.
ThongofGenerosity: Defeat the Egg Laying Elder to complete it.
SecretBase:After defeating Christmas Rock, uh uh, take the tablet that sandy gave you and go to the tablet researcher. After the dialog, I use the ball given to you and you're done.
BigDecision:Well, you can watch both endings, but of course just read the file for the other one. Choosing the last one is a showdown with the ultimate boss.
Sailing Guide:
Some island descriptions:
Spider Island: island visible northwest of the ocean
Hot Island: an egg that can be found south from Spider Island, with the horizontal coordinates being the North Pole's toilet.
Clover Island: the North Pole is to the east, and can be seen on the map
Grimm Island: the vertical coordinate is the North Pole to the south, and the horizontal coordinate is Chicken Island to the west.
Cliche Island: horizontal coordinates of Chicken Island to the west. Vertical coordinates are about midway between Chicken Island and Grimm Island
Skull Island: the island where you complete the pirate quests, and you can see the discovery from the pirate dock to the west. The vertical coordinates are to the west at the Chicken Island dock. In fact, in the Pirate Village, open the map and you can see a large island above, that is.
All quests at a glance: &
--------- Battlefield ------------------------------------------------- ----
The first toilet sergeant mission:
1.Find the signal tower in the west
2.Blow up the signal tower just pay attention to the time, pay attention to the detonation of the time do not move, otherwise it will be blown up to their own
3.Defeat the Orc Commander location in the signal tower further west
4.theplan to pass the plan to the Commander of leBeauxKuckelleAfter you get this mission, there will be another petty officer waiting for you in the second restroom
All of the above are part of the main thread
navyduck Navy Pier Restrooms
The Hatless Petty Officer Mission:
1.Get a new helmetAfter you arrive in the town, buy that cute helmet in the store Can be done.
Sergeant with hat quest:
Megabomb: use bazooka to blow up the big bomb on the bridge to the north
--------leBeauxKuckelle town ----------------------------------------------- -
Complete the Megabomb quest and come to the town.
TownMedic (town doctor):
Mercy: get 5 medkits from sanctuary, this quest is dragging on a bit longer. If the quests are all done around 30% of the time I think.
lucy quests:
LostFather (I lost my dad): his dad isn't encountered until very far back in the dark forest.30%
RobotScans (gynecological exam for robots): lucy thinks that she can get the weakness of tec-7 from Mark-7, so I'm going to gynecological exam Mark-7! Mark-7 doesn't make an appearance until the second part of the game, in the basement of Walden's workshop, 50%.
DestroytheTricore-7Destroy the Tricore-7:Place the red crystal you got next to the Tricore-7(Tricore-7) and destroy the type 6 robots that keep approaching to damage it.This task is surprisingly easy, just take a hit from the Tricore-7, just keep circling around in front of the Tricore-7 so that it can't hit you, and then pay attention to destroying the Keep circling in front of Tycho 7 and it won't hit you.
vacuumTubes: Beat the robots to get 10 vacuum tubes. The robots are on the left side of town and are more numerous, so you can blow up several at once with the grenades you get.
Photojournalism: Take a picture of the destroyed city on the north side of the map, and use the camera when you pick up the photos on the ground.
OnTheAir (Repair Signal Tower): five. Note that one is on the left side of the farm, where the production team figured you'd be too busy hiding from the Ghost Commander to realize there's a vacant lot.
HeartofDarkness: Find Scoop in the jungle, he's at the bottom of the Jungle map.
There's a chest to the north, open it by the code word.
famerBlizban Farmer Brisbane:
RampagingRobots (chaotic robots):Brisbane wants you to destroy the chaotic robots that bother the puppies (zigzag) and get 10 robot heads. In the north. level 8 zaps will not actively attack you.
peskySkletons (pesky skulls):Destroy the skulls to get 50 bones.To complete this mission go to the north and put the bridge gate down first. Note that the commander is undefeatable, but don't be afraid. As long as the Ghost Commander doesn't get close enough to attack you, it doesn't do much damage.
thighboneDelivery: a delivery quest to give the bones to Hanna the witch, who is in the Dark Forest/Sanctuary map, over the mountains to get there.30%.
UndeadCommanders: KO 5 undead commanders with the sword given to you.
Generals Quests:
mapoutthenothpole: find the North Pole to find the ship after the quests now, search for it, in the main thread.
chunkofgold: please search, in the main thread.
GunParts: please search, in the main thread.
Assistant General Quests:
marchingOrders: send a letter to the Navy Chief, who appears at the beginning dock.
FortheWarEffort (For the sake of the war):Collect 50 metal parts, hit the robot to drop them.
Weapon House Boss Quests:
packageforCaptainTaint (package for Captain Taint):Deliver a package to Taint, the captain of the main line, get the ship from him
packageforFamerBlizbanm (package for Blizbane):Deliver a Blizbane Package.
-------Other quests near Lebeaux------------------------------------------------
ImaEmmaToilet (Farmer):
After listening to the farmer and his wife arguing, they'll split up, and you can take the quest.
ManureMatters (Manure):Destroy the jungle wild asses and get their manure. The jungle donkeys are in the forest to the right of the pirate village
DinoDroppings:Destroy the Tyrannoraptor's to get the dinosaur's poop, which is in the second part of the game, in the desert, on the DinosaurGraveryard
FrozenTreats:Take a quest from the FrostGiant (FrostGiant). Giant (FrostGiantIsland) island to get two Frost Fertilizers, to be obtained by killing the large Ice Pip on Pip Island, northeast of the sea, in the third part of the game.
farmeoutside toilet (sergeant):
shoottheRecruits! :Destroy Pips (Pip) to get 21 teeth. You have to go through the jungle and over the mountains to accomplish this. The green-skinned Pips are afraid of fire, so use the flame bazooka to destroy them, and the Pips behind them use the nature-based ones. Watch out for two orcs with bazookas hiding behind the Pip Commander, destroy the drop bazookas.
Jungle Jungle Toilet (Scoop is on the beach south of the jungle):
Scoop's SecretStory:Deliver a letter to the broadcaster RadioHost is in town
-------NavyCommanderandersandBlackTowerResearchers-------------------------- p>
NavyCaptain (Navy Captain mission):
OilFortheShip:Get 10 barrels of oil, the oil is in the left side of town in the one where you fight the robot.
Dammit: will appear if you take the messenger mission. That orc is above the initial toilet. After that, the pithy captain runs to the docks below the Blizbane farm map
Savetheseaman: find the 4 crew members who are in the jungle. After that, the dodgy captain runs to the dock on the left side of the Blizbane farm map
EmbattlementsGoBoom:Destroy 4 turrets. one east of the zigzag farm, 2 at the bridge gates, and one at blizban's farm
Black Tower Researcher Quest:
Researches will also be found in the second Level's town as well as the North Pole
ThongolithofCompassion:Use the research equipment at the stone monument in the jungle to fend off the Dark Knight. This main line is hard, it is recommended that the trial is full to confuse the enemies with the glasses, then get the flamethrower stick, bomb swarms, and ps bring all the blood vials.
ThongolithofCuisine (Stone Tablet of Cuisine):Please search, in the main thread
ThongolithofGenerosity (Stone Tablet of Generosity):Please search, in the main thread
---------- Pirate Village Map ----------------------- -------------
Captaint (Pirate Head Quest):
Keytotheship:The key is in the hands of the drinking pirate halfway up the mountain.
Rum:Please search for it, it's in the main thread
Lemon:Lemon is obtained at the quarrelsome farmer.
TreasureMap:5 of the captain's men have stolen his treasure map, you have to find and kill the wild pirates to reclaim the map! The wild pirate will hit a few times remotely then attack up close, good use of shields can be a direct challenge. (ps, he'll hit you once and then hang)
One is in the Jungle Jungle Toilet, to the right of Scoop, the jungle reporter.
One in the Jungle to the right of the pirate base.
One is at the Dark Forest Green Alien, which can be seen when doing the UFO mission. The small green aliens can be seen on the Green Alien Sanctuary map above the witch hanna and wishing well.
One is in the Blood Mountain map, the cave there at Warden's Workshop, the Mad Husband is at the entrance to that cave, and it's almost level 16 at this point.
One on Spider Island.
Taint'sTreasure Taint's Treasure: Go to Island X, just above the Pirate's Wharf on the island with the X marking it. Get the Whirlwind Axe 3 for this quest.
Pirate'sBestFriend: go to chickenisland and look for stuff... After the second part of the game, get the boat to start. The island is just a little bit above the pirate dock.
PirateWithoutACause:I want a boat to find the Generic treasure, which is on Skull Island.
Flag Placing Quest:
PourLeRoietLePays:. Plant the Flag,
Part 1 can be completed:
1. Next to the cave on the east side of the Pirate Village
2. Town Naval Base
3. Next to the Sanctuary
Part 2 can be completed:
4. There is one in the Desert town
5. Near the Oasis in the Desert SandyDesert
p>6. Desert map, where the dinosaur graveyard is.
7. At the agent at the gate of Wharton's Workshop
8. There's one in Wharton's Workshop, with a bunch of machines spinning.
9. There's one at the far west of the desert, top left corner of the big map, you'll meet the trainmaster there, impossible to miss.
Part 3 can be completed:
10. Spider Island, the third part of the game is on that island in the upper left corner of the ocean
---------Sanctuary Sanctuary Map ----------------------------------------------------
The Witch's Hut pops up green aliens when you go up.
Boss: Mr. Frangtrangle is in the immediate northwest corner of the map, destroy to get the little red book
Reach the sanctuary (which is the abbey) and have the chicks hit the red you can enter the abbey.
Some attribute compatibility:
Sheep Barker - Nature
Red Alien - Ice
Robot - Ice p>
Feed the Chickens: lure the chickens from the shelter over there
RubItIn: deliver magazines to DrekOil, this quest can't be accomplished until the second part of the game, the desert, he's at the top of the map on the left side of the desert town.
LookWho'sRunningThings:Delivering letters to the Stone Tycoon, and beyond, I'll admit to leaving a lot of the delivery quests between the two of them unrecorded.
HannaHeybenstance (Witch):
RedAlien/GreenAlien Red and Green Aliens: I need 5 of the Red Alien's slime, and the Red Alien is north east of the Witch's small room.
DoBearalopes.... ...IntheWoods:Kill the goat caller to complete. (This one is vaguely impressive)
HeroicRemains:Go to the graveyard at the bottom of the map and tap it to complete it.
MagicalWard:Give the magical guard to Blizbane
MakeaWish:Find a wishing coin. I got the first one from the level 2 harmless glitch at Mr.Frangtrangle.
This quest can be repeated after you do it to give a blood vial
GreenAlienGreenAlien (the green alien is north of the witch's house):
ASafeReturn:I have to get the spaceship parts for the little green alien from the evil red alien. The red alien is to his right.
DrEisenbein (Dr.):
FatherinaCage:Destroy the Mark-6 robot to get the key to the cage. the 6 is right next to it.
Tricore-7Plans Tycho 7 Robot's Plans:I need to give Tycho 7 Robot's Plans to the Doctor's daughter, lucy (Also: she's supposed to be a good woman, unlike some of the redheads I've known.)
EnterTheCatacombs:After you get to the sanctuary enter the penthouse and get a ruby book, put it on the penthouse along with the three ruby books from the library and the one from destroying the Frangtrangle and twist the switch to get down into the catacombs. Catacombs.