We look at our ozone generator should be how to select:
1, the use of ozone generator scene
In the selection of the type, first of all, we must confirm their use of purpose, is used for air disinfection deodorization, or is used for water treatment. Air disinfection industrial ozone generator is mostly used in food factories, pharmaceutical factories, hospitals, kindergartens and other disinfection; water treatment is generally used for sewage treatment, tap water, mineral water, wastewater and so on.
2, ozone generator ozone output
Confirmed the use of the scene, the next need to confirm the output value of the ozone machine, how to calculate it?
If the air disinfection, general ozone generator manufacturers will be based on the area of your space to calculate the required ozone production value, such as general workshop disinfection, then 100 square meters of room, 2.5 meters high, then the demand for ozone production value of 15 ~ 20g / h ozone machine. If the level of cleanliness is high, it is different. If it is water treatment, the need for water quality, daily water volume, etc., to confirm the demand for how much output value of the ozone generator.
3, ozone generator process confirmation
Confirmation of the output value, can not just buy an ozone generator, but also need to confirm the ozone generator placement. If the air disinfection, mobile, or pipeline; if the water treatment, ozone generator placed in which link, placed nodes are not the same, the final role is not the same, the amount of ozone required is not the same.
4, ozone generator purchase before you have to look for large manufacturers to buy
General purchase of ozone generators, but also need to identify the brand and confirm the core components of the ozone generator, which greatly improves the quality of the ozone generator, can be in the harsh environment successive, stable operation.
How to select an ozone generator, roughly these 4 steps, but some companies, after the purchase of ozone generators, will also be tested through the ozone tester on the ozone production value, to confirm whether the ozone generator is qualified. But the most important thing is that the ozone generator is only a tool, the results are still needed to confirm whether the air disinfection is qualified, whether the water treatment is qualified. Therefore, industrial ozone generator selection is very important.