Chemical Food Contamination

Food contamination is food from raw materials to finished products and then to the process of consumption for consumers, harmful substances contaminated or into the food, and thus jeopardize the process of human health.

Food contamination is divided into four categories according to the nature:

1) Biological contamination: mainly general bacteria, disease-causing bacteria and their toxins, viruses, etc., this type of contamination caused by infectious diseases mainly.

2) chemical pollution: chemical organic, inorganic pollution, such as pesticides, heavy metals, dioxins, excessive food additives (especially chemical raw materials used indiscriminately), this type of mainly acute poisoning, enrichment, most of the three "to" substances.

3) radioactive pollution: medical instruments such as the gamma knife gamma ray source, the geological sector of the mining equipment, radioactive sources, testing instruments such as gas phase ECD detector nickel radioactive sources, etc. caused by pollution, not to mention the nuclear power plant, which is harmful to the human body is also a three "to"! And very scary!

4) physical pollution: mainly some wood, plastic, paper, and even flies and other substances in the physical aspects of the pollution presented, which is mainly to the consumer to bring sensory discomfort, and sometimes harm the safety of organs, of course, such as flies may cause biological pollution!

5) The above types of pollution in the actual life of food contamination is very often cross-pollution!