How much is the salary of Zibo Blue Alum Medical Glove Factory?
Zibo Blue Alum Medical Gloves Factory has a high salary. According to official website, directly employed by Boss, the average monthly salary of Zibo Blue Alum Medical Glove Factory is 10000. We also pay five insurances and one gold for employees, provide dormitories free of charge, and have various subsidies, regular physical examination, travel, holiday benefits and so on. Zibo Lan Fan Protective Equipment Co., Ltd. was established on 2018-12-18, with legal representative Zhang Mucun, registered capital of 10000000 USD, unified social credit code of 9 1370305ma 3 nug haa, and the enterprise address is located in Shandong. Industry: leather, fur, feathers and their products and footwear. Its business scope includes: production and processing of PVC gloves, nitrile gloves and other plastic products and particles, sales of products produced by the company, wholesale operation of nitrile gloves, latex gloves, pulp molded products, first-class and second-class medical device products, and import and export of goods. Zibo Lan Fan Protective Equipment Co., Ltd. is an operating enterprise at present.